Wednesday, August 14, 2013


"It's been a cruel, cruel summer......" Anyone with me for the Bananarama song Cruel Summer? I'm a child of the eighties so that's what comes to mind for me this summer. Oh I know that song was about a beau not a cold, cloudy and wet summer like we have had - but cruel none the less. Derek came up with the exact opposite of "In the summer time when the weather is hot..." by Mungo Jerry - "In the summertime when the weather is not..." (L.O.V.E. that song - right?!)

I know, I know - get out the violin - right! But hey - for two people that LOVE the DRY HEAT and pretty much live for summer temps, this summer has been tough. Of course we knew that we wouldn't be getting southern British Columbia weather in Central Alberta - but really - daytime highs averaging 16C and overnight 4C - at the height of summer?!!!!! just isn't right!

Anyway, we have been trying to get out when we can, especially to our hill top lookout.

The ONLY Tiger Lily in the meadow!

ANOTHER view of our park - yes - the grass WAS going brown for a bit but it is back to green right now - VERY green - rain - and a lot of it will do that won't it.

Cassia stopping to get some grass to chew on as taught to her by her Grandpa a few summers ago - on the walk back to the park.

I just bet the cows were shocked to actually see people walking on the road. Not much of that going on here in the country.

We've also been having quite a bit of fog in the mornings - we only noticed once we loaded it on the computer that Derek had caught the bird - pretty neat.

Being so far away from home, family and friends we sure appreciated Derek's mom - Audrey - coming to visit us for a couple of weeks. With the dreary weather (yup - that again) we didn't get around much but we did take a few day trips. 

The first was a drive over to Dewberry - small town near us where Derek's Great Grandfather first homesteaded back in 1906. It is also where his Grandfather homesteaded and where Derek's Dad grew up until he left to join the Navy at 18. 

and then on to Whitney Lakes Provincial Park for a look around. We stopped in at the Ross Lake Campground and beach. 

Where Cassia goes - dinosaurs go!

And we took in the Vermillion Agricultural Fair..... Cassia's first fair - p r e t t y  excited!

It had everything a good fair should - mini donuts ......

pink horses .....

and bumblebees!

Thankfully, the fair was on one of the nicest days of the summer. On the way home we hit some back roads through the Canola fields.

And pipeline construction. Alberta is in a economic boom with oil and gas (and has for many years now) We have many oilfield workers living at Lea Park for the summer. And do you know that Tim Horton's is offering $18.50/hour - and just try to find a cashier at Walmart!!! A MAJOR shortage in the retail sector everyone wants the big money on the rigs!

Close to the Park - the Riverton Community Hall - this area continues on with their prairie ways and winter pancake dinners.

Alan Brown - a local horse trainer brought his ponies down for a few days to eat the grass within the rodeo pens - good news for Cassia.

Cassia and her Gram Gram.

 Rather than put Audrey on the bus back to Edmonton we decided to give her a ride - first down to Forrestburg to meet up with some friends of hers -  on a farm!

Yup - this went over well with Cassia!

Bolt - Cassia's new best friend! And a mosquito on his nose - how appropriate - EXACTLY the type of summer we have been having!

How can you not love a face like that?!

Tip has lived here all his life and Betty and Tip have worked it for the last 53 years - WoW!

After spending an afternoon, night and morning at the farm we headed on to Edmonton to drop Derek's mom off at friends - not without a quick trip into Ikea and a Vietnamese dinner first. Living in the country for the last three months we sure enjoyed a visit to the city - looks like we'll be doing that again before the end of our term here at Lea Park.

Two months and counting until we hit the road again - for our last winter south! 


Our LAST trip south?!!!!!! Stay tuned for that bit of info!

Hope you are all having a nice - and hot - summer - like British Columbia - ahhhhh - we'll see you again next spring BC.


TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: No link - no time!


  1. Great pics as always!! Last trip south for the winter??!!?? We will have to hook up somewhere this time!!

    Safe Travels...........

  2. I never did make it up to Elk Point this trip, instead they came to visit us in Lloyd.. It was nice to meet you guys for a minute in the parking lot at SuperStore.

    That picture of the Red Barn in the yellow Canola field made me laugh. That was my landmark to know that I was 1/2 way home when I lived in Elk Point and drove to Lloyd. to work.

    We were FREEZING to death the whole time we were up there, sleeping under 3 quilts lol, as soon as we got the green light for Roy we were on a plane and back home in a couple of days. Here it is hot, sunny and humid and we are loving it!!! Not used to that weather anymore for sure after being away from it for so long.

  3. I meant not used to the weather up north anymore lol.

  4. Has not been a great summer, but sure beats the snow for us.
    Last trip south, need more info!

  5. Definitely need more info. My guess is that the young'un might be getting close to school age? But, *thinks* that shouldn't matter. Although I haven't a clue about home schooling.
    We've had our share of ups and downs in the weather department, that's for sure. All our windows are closed tonight again.
    Enjoy the rest of your "summer".
    Happy trails.

  6. Wow, wondered what you guys were up to. Looks like it's been a great summer and the pics are fantastic. Can't wait to see what your plans are.

  7. Glad to see your post been wondering how things were going. We too have had a cool summer here in IN - yesterday it was 55 at noon!!
    Some friends of yours stopped by to visit a couple of weeks ago - Wendy and Phil. Nice visit.
