Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Just a few minutes to take their picture!

So, I can see how this season is going to with the blog....... I'm squeezing this in amongst my paper work at 9:10 pm - and it's only April! The low season!

On the other hand - over the next few months I'm sure we'll have more to share. Right now we are getting the park cleaned up and I rarely take the camera out.

No complaints though - we are still lovin' our house, yard and park.

Within the last week, Derek has begun to mow and weed whack. Here he is at the group site - actually we have three 'pods' for groups. We are expecting our first three groups this weekend!

He mowed our yard as well.

The rest of the photos I took the other night when I realized that all of our flowers are blooming.
Dinner was on but I couldn't resist getting some pictures.

The lilacs have arrived!

Blooms on our crab apple tree.

The yellow flowers of the Oregon Grape I showed a few posts ago.

The flowers in our front yard that finally bloomed. Not what I was expecting - I thought that there were white flowers in there. Can't say I'm crazy about these - anybody know what they are?

A few weeks ago Britt, Cassia and I found this buoy washed up on the shore. Yesterday Derek turned it into a swing for Cassia. That went over well as you can imagine.

And finally I just had to share with you what's happening in our garden. Almost everything I planted a few weeks ago is sprouting - this is the kale. So excited!

Cassia and I did squeeze in a batch of carrot cake cupcakes the other day.

And yes, that's it!

Not much else to show. 

We've been cleaning out fire pits, racking sites, cleaning tables, weeding and staining - in addition to looking after our guests. Last weekend we hit a high on Saturday night with 25 campers. 

Last week we also hired our fourth and final employee for the summer. Our team is now complete with Derek and I and our four employees. Everyone will be on board by the May long weekend. Two of our employees have never worked at a BC Park before so we'll be busy with training in a few weeks.

We've also made time to empty our trailer of the items that Derek and Cassia brought back from their trip to Chilliwack. It was nice to be reunited with our belongings and fun to show Cassia many items that she hasn't seen before such as our wedding album. Both Derek and I had some of our toys packed away that we have now passed on to her - and my prized smelly sticker collection. I am hoping to get some pictures of those things soon so that I can show them to you as well. Fingers crossed.

Ha! Derek found this ski mask in the trailer and was telling Cassia that sometimes crooks use them. She figured that out pretty quick and became a thief herself making a quick get away with my sewing machine!



  1. Your blooms are so much farther ahead than ours! Best wishes for an enjoyable summer.

    1. Thanks Bob! Good to know - of course - the west coast is way ahead of us!

  2. Very nice flowers, like Bob said your's are further along than ours.
    Enjoy you busy summer and hope all works out.

    1. Hi George! We are enjoying the perks of living in the Okanagan - we aren't used to this early spring. Last year up at Kentucky Alleyne we still had snow in early May!

  3. Lilacs are my favorite spring scent! Your flowers are so beautiful!

    1. Me too Teri! Them and Lily of the Valley which you don't see much of these days.

  4. Spring has sprung at Fintry!!..the park is looking awesome as is your flowers!!
    Ours opens tomorrow officially!!..the max we have had is 10 campers so far but we know that will all change very soon!
    Take care my friend and don't work too hard!!

    1. A bit greener here than when you two were visiting Sue. Good luck with the opening! Ditto to you two!

  5. Wow, the park is so green! Love all the flowers. Hope things start to settle down a bit for you but it will be nice to have 4 additional employees to help you out.

    We just arrived at our campground yesterday evening and everything looks like it fared fairly well over the winter. I don't think we have quite as much cleanup as last year but then again we left the place in much better shape last fall the the other guy did the year before that. Looking forward to getting out there and getting the place in shipshape for the May long weekend.

    Cassia, looks like she is just loving this new place, I am sure she will be a big help to you over the coming months too.

    1. Hi Ruth! Yes, it became really green almost over night! I'm not seeing settling down now until the fall - Fintry is a very busy park! Full for the summer. Yikes! I've been watching your trip home. Nice to be settled now for the summer. Our park was the same with the closing last fall. At least this year we'll do some work in the fall to lighten the load next spring. Cassia is over the moon!

  6. Spring has sprung here as well - FINALLY!


    Suppose to me a critter deterrent, they look really cool and a bit different being almost bell shaped.

    Derrick did a great job with the swing, great idea and your carrot cake muffins are simply delicious looking!


    1. Hi Brian! Hi Nancy! Thanks for the link Brian - I should have known you'd be on the case! Interesting - I haven't gone up to smell them - even when I was photographing them I didn't notice the smell. He did actually - he had to get the ladder out and everything. The muffins didn't last long....

  8. Love the swing idea - now we know what to do with the buoy laying in our cottage basement!
