So much for my plan from last month to post only a few pictures more often...... It did sound like a good idea and really - I was committed - but somehow I wasn't able to follow through.
It's been almost two weeks now since the August long weekend and only now do I feel like I'm getting caught up. It has been a busy time - the park has been full (100 sites plus overflow) for the last 18 nights!!!! The height of summer.
Thanks to Landon, I have the tonight off from registering the campers. So - I thought I'd look through iPhoto and see what I had to share.
This is what I found.....
This pic is a few weeks old now. Miss Eagle Eyes spotted this van as it entered the park. There was no way she wasn't getting a closer look. Derek took her for a drive by while I sweet talked the campers into letting us take a picture the next day. Actually, they said it happens all the time. I bet they didn't realize what they were in for that when they rented this van from
If these European travellers didn't know about Scooby Doo before - they sure do now!
When we were without power after the fire near us a few weeks back we ended up altering our town day from Tuesday to Thursday. The switch finally gave us the chance to check out the Vernon Farmer's Market.
It's been awhile since we've been to one so we were a little rusty - plus it is huge - a bit overwhelming. We were glad we went as we picked up a ton of fruit but we probably won't return for a while. It's bit much for us to take on in addition to the rest of our errands.
Cassia with her find - thankfully it was naturally flavoured and no - she didn't eat the whole thing.
And now back to our garden. We continue to be trilled with it each day. Our sunflowers really took off in the back garden. To the left are our two tomato plants - lying down!
We're going to turn into tomatoes ourselves at this rate. Looks like I'll get my chance to try some canning.

They're all gone now but I don't think I've had a chance to show you our corn. In total we had about 12 ears - a good first attempt at growing corn. We are definitely going to increase that for next year.
Sadly, our largest pumpkin that was growing outside of the fence fell victim to a deer.
Cassia took a picture of our cucumber today.
And the sunflowers in our lettuce/spinach/beet/kale garden. These are the ones that were dropped by birds that we decided to let grow. They look great out the window but are a bit much to traverse while harvesting.
The rose bush we showed you in the spring in the front garden is still going strong.
Last week one of the blooms had a visitor!

Our days are always interesting here at the Park. Last week our employees - Avalon and Landon - found this baby Osprey down on the beach. They brought it up to the cliffs surrounding the park to keep it away from the campground. A day later he showed up on our main road. Derek, Cassia and I headed down to see if we could help him.
Since he made it into the field we figured we'd let him figure out how to fly on his own. It seems that he left his nest a little unprepared....
We brought him water in case he needed it.
We did call the Birds of Prey Center but they prefer to let nature take it's course.
Landon and Avalon took him back up and we haven't seen him since. We are thinking the best.

A nice little message was left in our comment box.
We get lots of families at the Park which is nice to see. I love that we can be part of a person's childhood and the camping memories they will one day look back upon.
Last night we had a severe thunderstorm warning but it totally passed us by. Good thing too as they were calling for hail.
We've been bear free this year at Fintry - as far as we know - until today. I guess our crab apples were just a bit too tempting. Derek was sent in to take the pictures as Cassia and I stayed by the back door!
He was BIG - but managed to get himself around the dense bush.
This was as close as Derek dared go ......
Sadly, the only other news to report are all the fires currently burning in our area. Over the last few days one of our Parks, within our Contractor's bundle - Kettle River Provincial Park burned. We don't know the extent at the moment but the operators and campers had to leave on foot. This park is within the area of Rock Creek wildfire which is un-contained and 2,500+ hectares in size.
All for now.......