Monday, October 7, 2013


Miss us?!

WoW! We sure missed you all! Ok - so it IS possible to live without the internet on a daily basis for six months but it sure isn't a whole lot of fun. I realize that we ALL used to live without it but really - now that we have the internet it is tough to do without it. I don't know how many times Derek and I wanted to quickly look something up. Without it or satellite TV - our stay at Lea Park - out in the country - was very errr - detached.

Anyway, that is all behind us now. We are back! Say that in one of those scary voices! We were to leave the park in the morning but since we were all ready to go we decided to head into the city and stay where for the first night - why in a Home Depot of course. This was we can get all of our errands done early and be on the road in good time. We have about six or seven hours to make so we needed the head start.

The last few days at the Park were busy with last minute projects and touch ups on the van. Then came the packing, loading and finally today the cleaning of the cabin. Always sad at the end.

We were glad to have a nice and fairly warm weekend. Last night we finished off with a complete walk of the golf course. Something we haven't done all summer - not since May. It sure has changed - so so so beautiful with the fall colours.

Keeping Cassia entertained - can you believe this is the first time we tried this. We were always unsure where Cassia would end up with Rufus in charge of her destiny. But he did well, can't wait to try this out with a sled. Well, yes we can wait. 

Yup -  he did start getting a bit fast for her!

While I was taking those pictures I decided on one last look at the cabin. 

It was a bit grey last night while we walked the course but not too cold. It was a very nice 1 1/2 hour walk. Not sure if we will miss the fall colours down in the States.

It looks a bit different from the last time I took this picture back in May.

Where's Rufus!

Nice - right?!

Love love love fall colours. We were really impressed with the selection down in our valley here.

And so - here I am sitting on our new sofa in the van. I have to say that I am mighty impressed already - guess we'll have to see tonight how our new double bed works out for Derek and I. Cassia is already asleep in her new bunk bed. Lucky kid - what a cozy little nook.

So - I guess it is time for me to spill the beans - right?!

Where the heck are we going this winter anyway!!!!!

Well, we are headed south - ha! Funny I know. But it is true - south - then east and then south again. Yup - we are headed to the southeastern states of the USA. Were we there before? Yup - the winter before last - we traveled to Florida via Texas and the states in-between. 

This year - we are doing the trip a little differently. Our first destination state is South Dakota with a quick tour of Deadwood and area - including Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse of course. Then it is pretty much straight south until we hit Dodge City. Not really a must see but since we are headed that way I'm pretty excited to stop in as I read a lot of Westerns. 

From there - east - over to Branson Missouri - why Branson - well because we are going that way. Guess we may as well stop in and see what all of the talk is about this place. 

Then on to Kentucky. We are really hoping the weather holds our for us there because we want to take a good look around - we have never been. Mammoth Caves and of course Dinosaur World close by are on the list - but I have also found some neat little towns to take in and hopefully we can find some music. I think a stop in to see Loretta Lynn's home is warranted. 

From Kentucky a short trip through West Virginia and over to Virginia to get us on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We know that the facilities will be closed but we are very self contained and hope to do a lot of hiking. Again, we just need the weather to hang in there a bit. But not to worry if it doesn't - the van is totally insulated now!

We'll take the Parkway down to Asheville, North Carolina where we a hooking up with friends Curt and Debbie Crist. If you have been following us for awhile there names may be familiar - we met up with them the last time we were in Florida. This time we will be visiting them at their home and Church. Here we'll take a little side trip over to Tennessee - Dollywood anyone?

Then on to South Carolina - I'm thinking that it would be nice to spend Christmas in the Charleston to Savannah area. Can't wait to see these southern cities. And - back to the beach!

Florida is on tap for January - because - well - we do still want to have some warmth this winter. Fingers crossed for a warm one this year. We are very excited to return to some of our favourite places in Florida - like Micanopy of course --- ahhhhh Micanopy. And Plant City too - where we can once again almost live at the Strawberry Palace and visit more good friends - Barbara and Terry.

And then?! Well, home again. We are not exactly sure at the moment where are path will lead but it will undoubtedly include Texas - right?! And Colorado. Oh - and a stop in to see our good friends in Nampa, Idaho - we missed them both in the spring and now again in the fall.

Many miles to cover over the next six months - our last trip to Florida came in at 10,000 miles and $3,000 in gas - we'll see what we can come up with for this trip. At least we have a swanky newly renovated van to take us there in style.

So - are you up for the trip!?!

We sure would like to hear for you about must see places. Please pass on any advice you have for these areas as many of them will be new to us. 


I know we are. We like NEW!

That's all for me tonight. I have a limited battery and some serious surfing to do. 

Posting will still be touch and go for the next week or so. We are on our way to visit with some friends for the remainder of the week and the Thanksgiving weekend. We won't be hitting the border until mid week. Fingers crossed that we make it through - it's always a bit of a challenge for us. 



  1. Welcome back, looking forward to reading your posts over the winter...

  2. Maybe see you on the road. We are thinking of AZ, NM, TX, and along the coast to FL.

    1. Oh I do hope so Croft - it would be great to hang with you and Norma for a bit! I know Cassia would love it! Be sure to stop in at Apalachicola in Florida - one of our favourite towns along the coast.

  3. You might want to take a look through this ladys blog. I believe they live in Savannah and seem to enjoy hiking the area. You might pick up some ideas or leave her a comment and get some first hand info.. Just a thought, she seems to be a lovely lady.
    Enjoy your winter and thanks for the photos from my old stomping grounds over the summer; especially of the cabin as I didn't make it there on my trip there this year. I always like to check up on it lol.
    Safe and happy travels.

    1. I'll do that Brenda - we can use all the info we can get - plus the locals always know the best spots of course.

  4. oops forgot the link to that ladys blog, sorry.

  5. We enjoyed Mammoth Caves, Branson, look for some free show tickets, We were impressed with Loretta Lynn's Ranch is huge, Nashville stealth camp in the Opryland Hotel a place to see and the Parthenon in Nashville as well.
    So much to see and do have fun!

    1. Oh good - about the Caves. We've been to Carlsbad so we'll see how this one is. Not sure if we'll make it to Nashville - it looks so big on the map - I'm a bit worried about making our way around there. Can you recommend a campground there? I'm wondering if we can park on the outskirts and get a bus in or something like that.

  6. So glad you have another successful summer and got the work done on the van to make it more comfy. And so glad you will be posting regularly again. I've missed you! Sounds like a wonderful winter trip and here's hoping a meet-up with me will be in there somewhere!

    1. We're excited to see your part of the USA Sharon - it would be great to visit with you - I was hoping we could......

  7. Glad to see you back on the road. I know how much we looked forward to heading out after our summer of work!

    1. Since we were three weeks behind you I was a bit jealous when you guys headed out - so glad that our time finally came!

  8. Oh man, you sure can tell Fall is in the air. Some of those aspens (birch maybe?) are almost bare.
    Pretty sure "sled" would equal "snow", so stick to the little wagon. Although it looks like Cassia could do with something bigger.

    1. You are right on both - birch and aspen and some black poplar. I agree about the sled snow thing - we can definitely wait. LOL we had to laugh yup the wagon is a bit small for her. The reason we bought it was so that we wouldn't be pulling her around - we wanted her to pull her dolls around!

  9. Welcome back! When you're driving through Kansas keep your eyes opened for state fishing lakes. We just discovered these little gems a few weeks ago. Most have tables, fire rings, vault toilets and free camping. Here's a link to the website- You have to click on the links in the box on the left hand side to bring the information up. Most of them are close to paved highways so you don't have to drive far out of your way. Have a good trip!

    1. Thanks! Wow - what a good tip - I've never heard of that before. I'll check the site - thanks.

  10. Wow, time flies when you're having fun! Come and hang out in Central Texas. We look forward to following you on this years southern exposure...

    1. Sure does Brian but fun wasn't the key word for the summer - but a whole different story! But that is behind us now! Good to have you two along - again! You know we can't stay away from Texas!

  11. Not to put a damper on your plans, but be aware as of right now, ALL National Parks are closed due to our US Government shutdown. Still plenty to see, but Mt Rushmore will have to be a drive by. Hopefully it doesn't last too much longer.

    Can't wait to follow your journey and all the pictures to go with it. As with Croft, if you pass through NM on I-40 (Moriarty), let us know. Love to meet you and the family.

    1. That's ok - there will still be a lot to see - I imagine it will straighten it self out soon enough. We'll probably be in NM next spring so you never know - we are thinking that another stop at Poncho Villa State Park is in order - and White Sands.

  12. I guess a lot of places will be familiar to you then - be sure to let us know when there is something close by that we should see - ok. Yup - she's getting to be a big girl - crazy!

  13. Nashville TN info - Google campgrounds, rv parks, public parking for more info and choose what suits your situation. We have a 24' class B rv and had no trouble finding a place to park near the downtown area or driving in the area. We enjoyed our stay at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park on 2572 Music Valley Drive. Check out Trip Advisor for Nashville TN rv parks (or any place for that matter) to read what others say about it. I enjoy following your blog and I think this might be the first time I posted here. Best wishes in your travels!!!

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