Sunday, October 27, 2013


Once out of the National Parks the scenery really picked up! We sure enjoyed the ride through the Bridger-Teton and Shoshone National Forest. From our turn off at Moran we were headed to Laramie via the 287 to Lander and on to Rawlins. There we would pick up the I80 east.

Ouch! A steep climb! Derek was pretty shocked to see the elevation - I wasn't because I had read it on the map - when I was busy choosing our route I somehow managed to miss this little bit of information - the Togwatee Pass. During the ascent it reminded me of the last time I made this mistake - sheesh!

A LOT of snow at this elevation.

Cassia was out as quick as a snow bunny- SNOW!!! Mountains equal snow in Cassia's world.

Beautifully coloured rock just west of Dubois. We can see why this area was settled.

On the main strip in Dubois - not exactly sure what it is but it looks like they have parties there maybe Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove style ;-)!

We saw a few of these around town - obviously a lot of hunting going on in these parts.

Pizza! We stop for pizza. This just shows that a sign on the highway works - we stopped for gas on our way in - it was dinner time - we saw the Paya' Deli sign and we were there.

We were surprised to see Raven's brew coffee from Ketchikan way down here in Wyoming. We are big fans of the Raven's Brew Coffee and the artwork - we have this poster and three others packed away back in Canada. We found our first poster by in Hyder, Alaska during our honeymoon trip way back in 2002.

And we just have to say that this is one of THE BEST pizzas we've ever eaten. Remember Moonspin Pizza from two winter's ago in Thomasville, Georgia? It's a very very close second.

We were planning on stealth camping in Dubois since it was dark when we finally left the pizza place. We did see a park on our way in and went to check it out but alas there was a no camping sign. We may park in some unusual places but never if there is a sign. In the end we decided to drive in even though we don't like driving in the dark - about 20 minutes up we found a pullout and stopped for the night. In the morning Derek took a picture of the historical marker sign.

Not long after we left we headed into a red rock area - and then just past this we noticed a parking lot. Of course, by the time we saw it we sailed past it - as we usually do - just a quick U turn in the middle of the highway and we went right back.

We were glad we did - seems to be a horse riding/ ATV/ hiking area - not long after we arrived this girl and her horse did - Cassia and I went to say hello.

We were excited to finally do some hiking!

A nice easy climb but by about a mile or so in we were done - pretty hot and the trail seemed to lead forever. We stopped for a break before heading back.

Cassia, our little artist, used her time to do some drawing.

We could not ask for better weather these last few days.

Highway flag people - be afraid ..... be very afraid.

Nothing too special about this picture except that this is Sweetwater Station. We didn't stop this time but driving by marked a complete circle for us over the last six months. If you recall, we stopped here last April on our ride back to Canada.

Ahhhh - Wyoming ......

There is a ton of history along this route. I recalled from our last trip passing by Split Rock - we didn't stop but this time we did. Sure would have been neat to watch all the people on the Oregon Trail.

'Cassia Little Climber'

Derek and Cas at the top!

A nice rest area with picnic tables among the rocks.

My guess is that Cassia could have spent a week - at least - climbing around the rocks.

You wouldn't believe how cold the water was - how do kids do that?!

Derek climbed back up the big rocks and took a picture back at Cassia and I.

He went up to get this picture......

and a few others.

Us .....

and Us.

Continuing on.

What else do you do while waiting yet again for your turn during road construction - Hey - there we are - all twisted up.

A quick jump ahead - we are now on the I80 between Rawlins and Laramie. You really have to wonder about living in a State with so much snow fencing - there was a ton on the 287 as well. The Class C ahead of us? From Ontario - strange - heading home or?

Another memory picture from last spring..... remember exit 272 - we sure do!

Another 28 miles and we arrived in Laramie. Without a Home Depot is wasn't our first choice on a place to spend the night. However we did need some supplies so we headed to Walmart - with the sun setting we decided to stay there - we were not alone - at least five other RV's in the parking lot.  Derek spoke to one fellow the next morning - heading from Minnesota to Yuma. 

Another three times over the Continental Divide - for a total of 6 crossings in two days.



  1. You seem to be making good time and having good weather too, enjoy the journey.

  2. Wyoming is so gorgeous......miles and miles of nothingness but lots of beautiful scenery....I remember the place I crossed the Continental Divide, thinking it was in New Mexico when I headed to Quartzsite 2 years ago.....

    Safe Travels..........

  3. Derek here- I really enjoy the little hikes one finds unexpectedly. I have a real low threshhold for public space so National Parks in Canada or the USA tend to go against my grain. Like Canada, I find National Parks too much, too busy, too pricey, whereas Provincial Parks or in the USA, State parks are a bit better. We work with people for six months in a park, so I get a little saturated with humans. National Forests are the preferred choice, but then again I have a real high bar for solitude in nature.


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