Monday, December 2, 2013


You may have noticed that things are a changin' here at Rantin' n Raven!

I am FINALLY getting around to making the blog all I want it to be graphically, while at the same time updating our very outdated page information.

It's a ton of work. Every time I sit down to do this stuff I'm amazed at how time consuming it really is.

There are two things working against me. First, I am the worst client ever - picky? Me = picky. Beyond picky. Thanks to my fancy architectural education, I am trained to first review all the options prior to making a selection - even if that means reviewing 2,584 options - all must be explored!

Second, I am very restless, I find it difficult to work away at one task for a long time, 10 minutes is about max. As a result everything on the blog right now is a work in progress.

And lets not overlook that there is indeed a third factor working against me and a very large (well, she's actually quite small) one at that. My day is not complete without tending to my family on an on-going basis. This is why I usually end up staying up past mid night. There are many many more factors as well such as the endless choice of fonts and artwork to peruse and getting hung up on facebook, twitter and pinterest for the better part of the day, but why dwell.

So, don't mind the mess as you make your way around the site. Yes, if you go to one of the pages - such as craft brew - there is nothing there! Soon to change I hope.

By the way, I am pretty exciting about our very smart idea to add a craft brew page. We have been learning a lot about the craft brew industry, of course finding our fair share of craft breweries with beer to share, and connecting with like minded beer snobs on the internet. Yesterday I thought pretty well of myself after I stumbled upon The Roaming Pint. Brian and Maria seek out craft breweries during their full time road travels in Stanley. They definitely put us to shame regarding the number of breweries they have visited - check out their 100th Brewery post - we'll have to work hard to catch up!

You may want to check in on 'our favourites' page, it's really coming along. Derek and I hashed this one out during one of our many days in the van as we were traveling across eastern Colorado and Kansas. I'm happy to see it finally up. We both realized that someone new to the site might be a tad over whelmed by all the information - we move pretty fast most of the time and have a growing number of posts. Although we have liked all the places we have visited we have only loved some.

Anyway, just think how great it will be when I'm done!

Meanwhile I'm sharing our house (well, not OUR house) with two sickies! Seems that Cassia picked up a bug the other night - we are pointing fingers to all the people at the light up on Friday - which she has generously shared with Derek.

I've been spared. For the moment.

All from me tonight - back to my blog work!



  1. Keep at it I am sure you will get things just the way you want it and will be awesome.
    In the meantime get everyone there healthy again.

  2. Hi ,

    sorry if I’m using a comment for this kind of message, but I couldn’t find a contact form or email address in your website :\

    My name is Nikolai, i am helping out marketing agency to find bloggers suitable for their campaigns, and your blog looks like a perfect fit for what they’re looking for.

    Do you think you could be interested in receiving offers about advertisement on your website?

  3. Poor never know when those nasty bugs are going to drop in.....yuck....get better quick!!

    T, please be careful if you answer the commenter for ads for the blog!! I did that, and oh boy was that a big mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, you have to wonder what this person thinks the CONTACT button at the top of your home page is for.....good grief!!

  4. Nothing much new about it yet Cj - I'm working on a new header - just put this one in for the meantime....I was tired of the other one. Not sure about the background yet either. I just need a design break! It was taking over my life! Stay tuned....

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