Saturday, January 17, 2015


Thursday night Therese and I took the kids for a walk on the beach. Here's Cas and Keller ...

We don't get there often but at the end of the beach are these rocks and shells - which are sadly lacking at our end. I'll take a picture of a few of them - there the orange and purple ones - LOVE them!

Yesterday morning we learned about a benefit concert - with a guitarist from Colorado - for the Zihuatanejo Humane Society Friday night at Loot. So - first we had to figure out where Loot was. With a little research we realized it's the place we go by, either by combi or taxi, that has the Volkswagon food truck. We thought it might be a fun thing to do with Derek's mom so we walked over Friday morning to take a look at the place.

Along the way Cassia pointed out this guy as he was walking back from his piece of fruit on the road.

Very pretty - right?! First one we have seen in Mexico this year.

The Loot sign out front. I always wondered what kind of place it was….

A food truck in Mexico!

It's hard not to like a place with chairs like these…..

A Hipster kind of place. 

 Fun to look.

Great posters - Cas and I liked the one on the left best.

Craft beer!  
Yes, we LOVE craft beer but not for 95 pesos per bottle. Sigh.
 Sohnfeld by the way is brewed in Mexico.

We took ourselves on a bit of a tour. Communal restroom sink - pretty neat.

The view from the second floor.

Heading up to the third floor where the concert was to be held.

With our curiosity of Loot satisfied we headed back home via the beach.

Since the manta rays were around it was a good chance to TRY to get some shots. 
They seem to love surfing.

Derek took all these shots standing about waist deep in the ocean. He was there for a least a half an hour - so - lots of patience to get a few good shots.

We've grown to enjoy having them swim around us.

Of course - as most of you know - Friday afternoon we were headed to the airport to pick up Derek's mom. Boy was Cassia excited. Here we are in the back of our neighbour Bill's truck. He generously offered to take us to pick Audrey up.

The airport is along highway 200 about 15 minutes south of Zihuatanejo.

Waiting, waiting - actually a fairly small airport but nice.

Derek's mom - arriving from Canada - she was last in Zihuatanejo 30 years ago.

With a late afternoon arrival we headed back to Playa La Ropa - back to El Manglar and over to her hotel room - then….

to the beach!

Last nights sunset as we walked down for dinner at Paty's and then over to Loot for the concert. In the end we only stayed at Loot for a little while. We realized that a concert start time of 9:00pm was going to be too late for all of us. So - we headed home.

Tonight we headed back down to the beach for a sunset walk.

Derek, Cas, and Audrey.

Cassia and I with Audrey.

There tends to be quite a few dead puffer fish on our beach. We heard that they get caught in the nets and the fisherman throw them over board. Once in a while they are still moving around like this one. We do what we can - Derek threw him back in - hopefully we were in time.

Just as we got back we found Bill and Marlo at the beach. 

Derek vs. Marlo!

Marlo with his prize.

This evening we enjoyed sitting out on Audrey's balcony listening to the music coming from Rossy's - a nearby restaurant. Not a great picture but here's the three girls dancing and then giving Cas a swing.

So - a busy few days for the Wood Clan.

Once our trip to the Commerical Mexicana was out of the way this morning, we enjoyed the rest of the day ensconced in the luxury of an air conditioned hotel room and back at the beach.



  1. How lovely to have Nanna come visit...I bet she will have a grand time with you all. Did she get a surprise at how brown you all are?.....enjoy your time together. .cheers

    1. Very lovely Leslie - especially since we haven't seen her since August. She follows are blog so had an idea about our colour - lol - but ya - but then everyone - Can and American - down here is the same - white stands out for sure…..

  2. enjoy your visit! looks like it will be a fun one! Manta Rays and all!!

    1. Thanks Sue! Since we haven't stepped on one yet we are enjoying them!

  3. How much fun for you all. Another tall person! Our family is tall as well....except for me! Love the pictures of the Manta's which are apparently very intelligent creatures.

    1. We're all about 5'8" - so not so tall but I guess it might look it. Audrey is doing well in the height dept. for 75 for sure! I didn't know that they were intelligent - I did read that they don't know much about them. Interesting. Have you seen them at Mazatlan?

  4. Wonderful that derek's mom made it there to visit, enjoy your time with her.

  5. Super nice to have family with in Z! I absolutely love the picture of the wave, the light reflected off it just right.

    Thanks & enjoy!

    1. Hey Brian - hope you guys are well! We loved it too when we saw it! In the morning the sun angle is just right to hit the wave.

  6. I didn't think he had it in him! He got another good one today - and some fish! Audrey is definitely a beauty - I passed you message on - she smiled! Thanks - we will!

  7. Looks like you're still enjoying the weather and the winter in Mexico. Have fun with your mom. Great pics as always. You guys find some pretty cool places.

  8. Amei conhecer o seu blog, já fiquei por aqui!!!Achei maravilhoso, família linda !!!
    Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!


    Beijos Marie.


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