Thursday, April 9, 2015


Finally! Right!

A tour of our home and yard here at Fintry Provincial Park. 

Turns out we live in the Gate Keepers house. We don't have much more on the house then that right now - not even a date. Perhaps we will when we tour the Manor House which holds the historical information for Fintry.

We took the following pictures over the last few days - plus I've added our Easter pictures. The park opened on Friday and we had a pretty good turn out of around 20 campers on each of the three nights. This week has been much quieter with just one or two campers per night.

There's the front door - come on in!

No view of the front porch - it's our storage area right now - you can't even see the floor!

Our cozy living room. The previous managers left the sofas, rug, coffee table and lamp. Good thing or we'd be sitting on the floor. Not really our style thus the blankets. We'll probably look for sofa covers short term and MAYBE newish sofas long term.

The ceilings are 10ft.

Nice big kitchen windows - eh!?

Fun to watch Cassia and Rufus play while I do dishes.

Yes, Rufus is enjoying his new home also. He is right at our backdoor through the kitchen. He also has the brown shed to go into.

Kid stuff on the fridge and growlers as mementos on the cabinets - all done. 
Oh - and our two hummingbird feeders awaiting their arrival.

Now for us this is luxury with a capital L - remember how I did laundry last summer?!

One day the dining room and office.

Cassia's room - still awaiting furniture.

Cassia - proud to show off her room. Is it always this neat? - no.

Our room - also awaiting furniture. Thankfully the previous managers left a few chairs, the dresser (you know the REALLY heavy 80's kind with particle board) and a good mattress.

Our heart rock collection from our travels. 

So - that's the inside - now a better look around our yard.

This pic was taken this afternoon - we had a nice day - it got up to 18C (65F).

Right behind me our raspberries are coming along.

Looking towards the work compound.

One of our garden beds which would be to the far right on the picture above. We have big plans for this patch - we'll post our garden pictures as we go.

Derek extended the wall with rocks from the front garden. He also spent a several days pruning the area behind it.

Which is a nice grove for Cassia to climb around in and ....

create the land of the dinosaurs in.

The planting bed in front of our dining room window - this will be the place for first our lettuce and later the herbs, tomatoes, peppers and strawberries.

In the front garden we are awaiting the arrival of these lilies.

And I was pretty excited a few weeks ago to see that we had a rhubarb plant.

So - that's the tour for now.

On Sunday - Cassia enjoyed her first Easter Egg Hunt. This is the first year that we have been at our summer park for Easter. We are usually still on the road at this time although last year we were at Derek's sister's place.

She did well with mom and dad but it wasn't over yet.

Our good friends Randy and Shirley came camping for the weekend and had plans for Cassia all their own. Here's Randy helping Cassia put her ears on.

The search is on.

Several of you mentioned in the comments last post that Cassia seems to have surrogate grand parents. She sure does - all over the USA and Mexico since she was 18 months old. She spent a lot of time walking, hiking and hanging out with Randy and Shirley last weekend. I'm not sure who had more fun!

And speaking of visitors - I haven't had a chance to show you Doug, Sue and Tucker who stopped in to see us a few weeks ago. They're the great couple behind Bigdawg and Freeway and fellow Park Facility Operators at Monck Provincial Park near Merritt, BC. With the park still closed when they came we had a nice walk around - here they are in front of the Manor House.
You can see their pictures of their visit here.


I'm glad that I finally got those pictures up for all of you. Now you know where we work and live!

Tonight is Thursday and we are on the cusp of another weekend. We are unsure how busy it will be although we do know that we are expecting 150 Boy Scouts and their Leaders who are coming to plant 500 trees on Saturday.

Next post we'll tell and show you about our work here as Park Facility Operators/Park Managers at Fintry.



  1. Wow! Looks like a comfy house! You guys will be at home there.

  2. Cool place! Love to trade places.

  3. Looks fantastic!! You guys already look like you're totally "at home"!!

    1. Just a few more items that we have in storage to push it over the edge...

  4. Tons of room to move around in the house and a garden. Jackpot!

    1. Kinda like winning the lottery Marsha! The kind of place we always wanted to live but couldn't afford!

  5. Nice house, looks pretty comfy. And a great looking workplace, have fun there.

  6. Beautiful spot. Does it seem like the house is huge??

    1. I forgot to mention that I woke up the first night and felt really overwhelmed with the space after the van for so long - I thought about going to sleep in the closet!

  7. Home Sweet Home! Love the windows and the way the sun shines thru. Looks so cozy. Bet you are in heaven with all that room. So you collect heart shaped rocks, too. Our collection is outside in our flower garden. Never thought to bring it inside. Great idea! Thanks for sharing!!!
    Connie in PA

    1. Lots of shade in the house but the sun does move nicely around into the different rooms during the day. Rocks in the garden definitely makes sense! :)

  8. ...and so begins a new path in your lives. Wishing much happiness in your home.

    1. Thanks Contessa! And so it does - seems very strange still......

  9. As a gardener I wish you great crops deer!

    1. Ha! Thanks Kathy! We are avid gardeners as well - oh - there are deer around alright but since the first night when Rufus barked at them they have stayed away. Hopefully that continues or we'll have to increase our deterrent efforts.

  10. I had already written some comments, but when posting it disappeared into the www of who knows cyber space!

    All looks great, enjoy yourselves and have a great spring!

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    1. Hi Brian! Don't you hate it when that happens! Thanks! Hi to Nancy!

  11. We're with you on the wood part Cj! The house isn't tight and the windows are single pane so we will definitely be needing the woodstove in the winter. Really!? Is the young rhubarb the best? I'll have to go google that!


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