Monday, December 29, 2014


Although not our usual shopping day, today we headed into town. We are finding that stretching our groceries for seven days is a bit too long. I have to say that I am so looking forward to a full size fridge after now - 14 months - living out of a bar sized fridge. 

With much time spent at the beach these last few days we - again - appreciated the change of pace and scenery.

After our combi ride and walk down piñata lane we were in el centro Zihuatanejo.

Upon arriving at the basketball court we found that the Christmas sand sculpture we showed you last week was completed.

Interesting - no footprints around the lettering. 

From there you know where we went. Here is today's puppy. It quickly became obvious that he wasn't used to A. a collar and leash, B. being walked and C. the adoption 'coat' they put on him. 
Here's Derek and Cassia giving him a pep talk.

It needed to be a father and daughter team today to get the job done.

As we usually do, we stopped in the park to find some shade, and to let our puppy feel some dirt beneath his paws. We also decided to take his cover off - it just wasn't a good thing.

With all the busyness it was challenging - we finally found one quiet side street.

Then back around to where we picked him up. Since it was such a short walk we decided just to sit with him for a bit.

I took the chance to take a few photos of the items for sale in the shops in the Humane Society complex.

A view of a typical street in Zihuatanejo. I think what most of us that visit here like that it's a normal town. Oh sure there are lots of tourists and the things that they want - but it still has charm. We haven't - and I doubt we will - venture over to Ixtapa - we just know it won't be the place for us.

Back with puppy who is now quite relaxed.

Nothing like a child to love ya and squeeze ya.

Then back to the cage. Always a bit of sadness but we are glad that we can help - even a little. We noticed today that there was a lot of activity around the cage and the animals. 

Of course we are now comfortably seated at El Cafecito sipping our coffees and smoothie. This is a very last minute photo. I was taking a picture of the fellow in white in front of the lady. He had just been making the rounds at the cafe seating - taking people's blood pressure. Interesting. We were really wondering how much that cost but didn't ask. See, there's always something new here - Mexico is so fascinating.

After that we decided to go to the artisan market. This morning we had decided not to go there today because of all the extra busyness with the holidays. But, we were right there so went anyway. We stopped in last week to take a look but I managed to take no photos. 

One of the things we want to bring home is some pottery. Well, good luck - right?! Talk about overwhelming. In the end I picked out four bowls. Good for one days work. 

Stall after stall is filled to the brim - it's hard to think straight when faced with it all. This evening I told Derek that I'm going to make a list - then each time we are down I can focus. 
I would really like a 'mi casa es tu casa' sign and a large pottery fruit bowl and perhaps a dress or two.

They also have these signs everywhere. I like them - the Zihuatanejo one - but I can't decide if I want to invest in one. I snapped this picture at our friend Rods over at Costa Bella.

Of course, Cassia found all sorts of things for herself…...

when all I was really looking for her was a dress to replace the only one you see her wearing in the photos. They are all very nice but not so comfortable. The yellow one was the best but I still passed since it's not really a slip on and go type of dress. My search continues.

 Cassia LOVES Peppa Pig - guess she's popular here too.

The last of my pictures for the afternoon. 

From the market we went back to the Humane Society area to the cafe for lunch. There we spent the next few hours visiting with a lovely couple from Seattle. Perfect in the shade with a breeze off the ocean. 

After that it was our regular walk to the Commercial Mexicana.

This is a nighttime picture that I took in our kitchen. Notice how when you are visiting a place there are those items that you get really hooked on? For us this is one of those items. Carbonated limonade and orange drinks. They are so refreshing in this heat!

Sadly, the Commerical Mexicana was out of eggs, bananas and tostados. Staples in the Wood Clan's kitchen. Not sure what to do about that. Keith here at the RV Park has offered to bring eggs back tomorrow. I guess I'll have to see if anyone else is headed to the store for the rest. 

Also interesting - when we arrived at the Commerical Mexicana today we first headed to the restrooms. There we were stopped and asked to pay - we had no idea at first what the lady wanted - surprisingly you would think we'd get that. I had been last week and hadn't been asked to pay, plus there was no sign. Anyway, we figured that out and then were given tickets for our 5 pesos each. Now we weren't sure what to do with them. Just as you are thinking that we should take them to the cashier - we thought of that too. So, yes, we were reimbursed when we bought our groceries. Pretty slick system.

And another thing. Derek - just returned from his beach walk tonight as I am writing this post. After meeting and talking with Jill and Scott, Derek mentioned the name of our blog. If you can believe - Jill had just been on our site because it came up when she was doing a search of Zihuatanejo. Crazy - right?! The first time that has happened. 

Nothing lined up for the rest of the week other than the fireworks show on New Year's Eve. We are pretty sure we can see them from the beach but have no idea of the time. Further research is needed. I have also never tried to take photos of fireworks so that will be an adventure as well. Any tips with a point and shoot camera? or is that a no go.


Saturday, December 27, 2014


As most of you know - Cassia has two new friends - we'll call theme the tres amigos. 

It's been great. 

Not much going on these last few days other than them playing here - there - and everywhere - including the beach - la playa.

Yesterday afternoon, Therese - Kaden and Keller's mom, brought down her AMAZING camera. Our jaws dropped - now THAT is a camera. 

So - the first six photos are hers. The zoom and the shutter speed are stellar. 

LOVE this picture of Cassia in the surf. 

Ya - it looks like Cas is always on the receiving end but, first - she loves it and second - she can give it just as good.

This morning Derek and I took the tres amigos to the beach. Before the crowds really picked. Boy, it sure is busy at the beach - have I mentioned that! Crazy. Good to be out of there by noon. At our end of the beach it's Mexican tourists as the buses drop them off just down from us.

Derek, trying to get used to the cool water. No - not cool - but cool to us these days. It was much warmer when we arrived in November. I'm sure it's normal for December and January. Once you get in your fine.

Cassia always has something interesting to come and tell me.

Lots of waves today - some the kids catch and well, some they don't.

A little too much water. I get these kind of shots by holding my camera down low - even with Cassia's face - and clicking it. Sometimes it even works.

Kaden and Keller are a couple of dolphins. They love to be under the water - quite amazing really.

Eventually they surface.

Another blind shot - neat with all the people in the background.

Derek getting in on the action. He threw them a few times yesterday - which they LOVED - now it's his job. 

I'm impressed that our little point and shoot can catch the this so well.

 Derek - back from a tough day at the office.

So - that's what we've been up to post Christmas.

Tonight the five of us went for a walk with the dogs with a stop for pizza and limonades at Jungle Pizza. 

I know of three kids sleeping well tonight.


Thursday, December 25, 2014


Christmas at El Manglar - in the RAIN - at El Manglar.

If you can believe. Today was back to a blue sky and our normal hot temperatures - a relief after almost two straight days of rain. I'm surprised to hear myself say that the hot sun was a relief!!! But it was getting so wet and sloppy around here. Apparently, rain is very very unusual for Zihuatanejo in December. Of course! Where we are, rain seems to follow - doesn't it?!

Anyway, we worked around it. Or rather walked quickly from point A to B.

Much of Christmas Eve day was low key. Cas played the day away with her friends which gave Derek and I a chance to sneak out to buy her a Christmas gift from the temptation store (the beach shop down the way.)

By 4:30pm I was preparing a caesar salad - our contribution to the pot luck dinner, in addition to the pay de queso (cheesecake and one of my most favourite deserts here in Mexico!) we purchased at the Commerical Mexicana.

Just prior to that, Cassia and the boys were helping to trim the tree.

The timing was great for our RV Park potluck dinner as the restaurant is closed on Wednesdays.

Derek with the boys looking at the turtles and crocodiles in the mangrove.

The tree turned out well, we added some flowers for some colour.


The kids running around while we got things ready.

In the foreground all of the desserts - including mincemeat tarts and fruitcake! - while Lulu builds her Christmas tree.

Which turned out like this - she definitely gets full points for creativity.

The only real picture I took of the food - in the end we had more than enough as much was added after I took the picture. A little of this and a little of that - it all came together. 

Finally a picture of the three amigos - Kaden, Cassia, and Keller. Boy, is it going to be rough for Cassia when we leave here. - she'll miss these guys. How nice that she has friends in the park - if they aren't here they are over at their trailer. The three parents are quite enjoying it all.

A group photo - somewhat. In the end there were about 20 of us.

Miss Big Eyes and I were home around 8:00pm - Derek stayed for the evening to visit with Lulu and George and the rest of the Mexican group. He had a great time!

We have a tree because Julia gave us one a few weeks ago that someone had left behind. We decorated it with a combination of things and thankfully had lights. We have the lights because they are battery operated - we use them when we are boondocking or stealth camping to conserve our internal battery.

The tree and looking out the wet window at our outdoor lights.

Which looks like this. Julia also had the wreath to give us. It's a small set up but pretty.

And by day.

Of course we were up pretty early - the presents to be opened. From us - in the large bag - Cassia got some new beach toys and candy. From Keller and Kaden she received Frozen gummies and a bug collecting kit and from Jean and Bill a dvd with the movies Frozen and Tanged. 

She is doing well in the candy department. Cassia also received the milk/pecan candy from our Mexican neighbours.

We were spoiled by Jean and Bill who made each of us a loaf of bread in their bread machine!

So, I made french toast for breakfast.

Later the boys came over to watch Tangled. Then Cas and I went to the beach.

Julia (who lives here in her motorhome) stopped by with presents for all of us. Rufus received a couple of dog treats, mom and dad chocolates and Cassia…..

a kitten…

and yes! More candy. Rationing might be in order.

While I was making dinner tonight - Cassia and Derek went on a bug search. They found a little cricket but Cas soon realized that the little guy probably didn't want to stay in the container.

So, that was the Wood Clan Christmas for 2014.

Last year it was the three of us in the Home Depot parking lot in Tupelo, Mississippi and then the Davis Lake Recreation Area.

This year it was nice to enjoy the festivities with a group of fellow travellers we have come to call friends.

We hope you all had a great day surrounded by the love of family, friends and yummy food. 


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