Sunday, December 21, 2014


We're not so busy but the place is really starting to fill up! It's hard not to notice that we are heading into the tourist season here in Zihuatanejo. We on the other hand, being homebodies, haven't ventured out since our trip last week to the Humane Society and Commercial Mexicana.

I had to download the camera to see what we have been up to.

I have to keep reminding myself that soon it will be Christmas. For us northerners - even though this is our sixth time celebrating the holidays in the warmth - we still associate this time of year with cold and snow.

My plan for the next post is to show you the signs of Christmas in our neighbourhood - there are a few. Nice that many of the RVs here have Christmas lights - including us  - it makes it very festive.

We haven't shown you the crocodiles lately but they are alive and well. Derek has had much fun picking up the dead fish off the beach and throwing them over the fence. The on lookers get a great show as the crocs crunch them up.

Our second RV Park get together was held last Wednesday. This time hosted by Lulu and George the Mexican campers, although I hear that Lulu had some help with the food. We had an extra few couples for the party including the newest arrivals, Barb and Dale, from Ontario.

Quite the spread - two tables worth!

Cassia decided that she would rather sit with her adoptive grandparents Bill and Jean.

There is a potluck planned for Wednesday night - we are still deciding if we are up to a third RV Park party or not.

Friday night we decided to try another restaurant on the beach.

Taking Rufus along means it takes us a little longer…

There's Martin the waiter from El Manglar - no idea what he was doing on the beach.

For Cassia, the delay only meant more time to spend jumping over the water.

Still quite a few people on the beach - many to take pictures of the sunset.

Including Lulu and George!

We were pretty excited to see that they were releasing turtles at the opposite end of the beach again.

The bucket was empty but a lady was nice enough to give Cassia hers.

Total concentration on the mission.

Good that I got this picture because when that wave came in it took them all out.

Our destination - the restaurant Marisqueria 5 Hermanos. We came here because we had met and befriended two of the waiters on the beach a few weeks ago.

Here they are - Alexandra and Raymond. They are actually from California - well, Alexandra was born and raised there. They are here because of Raymond. 

Sadly, it was not the best experience. We wanted to support our friends but ended up frustrated because the prices were very very high. Part of us just wanted to get up and leave but we didn't feel good about that. So - we ordered a couple of small things but had to swallow - literally - the out of this world drink prices. 

Before we left we thought it only fair to explain the issue to them. Surprisingly - or not - they told us that they knew this and how much of a jerk their boss was because he doesn't listen to the complaints - by other customers and them. He also takes their tips when he can and gives them back 5%. They are looking for another job and we sure hope they find something because this restaurant really shouldn't exist on Playa La Ropa with such steep prices, for mediocre drinks and food and for the exploitation of the staff.

Live and learn - right?

Today, Cassia and I spent much of the morning at the beach, as we did yesterday. Both days Cassia found a Mexican family to spend her time with as I sit back and watch. I figure she spends more then enough time with us - good for a change of scenery - and language. 

For the last few days she has been pleading her case for a bouncy ball - a Christmas present - so she says. 

This is the store of temptation we pass by many times a day. Because they are only open Thursday to Sunday, we figured if we were going to get the ball - today was the day. 

The blue and purple ball is THE one. While Cassia longs for this….

Mom spots this orange mug….. ouch - I know - 100 pesos is a bit high but I just might succumb. Orange is my colour and it would make such a nice memento with the turtle.

They have a ton of knick knacks. It seems there is more each time we go by - most likely because of Christmas.

This is the same place we bought Cassia's dragon.

I have a feeling we'll be dropping some more pesos here by the time we leave.

Since the girls were busy with a few customers, Derek managed to get Cassia's ball out of the net. Pretty reasonable at 20 pesos.


By this afternoon the beach was packed. It is usually busy on Sundays but not like this. Good for Zihuatanejo and the businesses, for us - well, not so much. However I do find people watching fun. The Mexican culture is fascinating to me - and well, the Canadian/America tourists in that culture is also fascinating.

 El Pirata has music on Sundays. It's nice to sit near by and listen.

There's our friend Bernie in the white shirt and jeans dancing up a storm. He and I were dancing in the alley but those pics hit the cutting room floor.

For our parasailing friends - Owner Beto and his group - Manuel, Louis, Obed and Abram it was a brisk business today.

A look back at the packed El Pirata on the left and Rossy's on the right.

So, that's about how it is for us here in Zihuatanejo these days.

Our days aren't very full but there seems to be something happening most of the time. 

Hard to believe that we have been here a month and five days already.

As I am sitting here writing this in the van there is a firework show outside. I ran out to watch the last few. They must be coming from El Centro at the Cancha Municipal since it's Sunday night. Many were lost behind our trees but the last two were huge - gold with red, green and white twinkly lights in the middle.

There is a fireworks show here on New Year's Eve in Zihuatanejo, we are pretty excited about that.



  1. The photos of Cassia gazing with longing then holding the ball are classic. I always had a special photo I saved & had enlarged for my kids 21st birthday. Your photos are so amazing & she is so photogenic it would be hard to pick a favorite - better start an album LOL -

    1. It was classic because she was desperately longing for it! We have so many it would be hard to pick although there are some that rise above - good idea!

  2. Another great posting and just enjoying the area us fun. We not crazy about the crowds either, but we take it as it comes. Too bad about the restaurant there is places that take advantage of the tourists in those areas.

    1. Hey George. Yup - just finding something to do everyday. Ya - much higher prices unfortunately - good thing we're getting the camping cheap! And try not to eat out too much.

  3. Thanks Cj! The colours at the end really help with the happy department - the store has some much colour going on! Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Jer as well!


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