Thursday, December 25, 2014


Christmas at El Manglar - in the RAIN - at El Manglar.

If you can believe. Today was back to a blue sky and our normal hot temperatures - a relief after almost two straight days of rain. I'm surprised to hear myself say that the hot sun was a relief!!! But it was getting so wet and sloppy around here. Apparently, rain is very very unusual for Zihuatanejo in December. Of course! Where we are, rain seems to follow - doesn't it?!

Anyway, we worked around it. Or rather walked quickly from point A to B.

Much of Christmas Eve day was low key. Cas played the day away with her friends which gave Derek and I a chance to sneak out to buy her a Christmas gift from the temptation store (the beach shop down the way.)

By 4:30pm I was preparing a caesar salad - our contribution to the pot luck dinner, in addition to the pay de queso (cheesecake and one of my most favourite deserts here in Mexico!) we purchased at the Commerical Mexicana.

Just prior to that, Cassia and the boys were helping to trim the tree.

The timing was great for our RV Park potluck dinner as the restaurant is closed on Wednesdays.

Derek with the boys looking at the turtles and crocodiles in the mangrove.

The tree turned out well, we added some flowers for some colour.


The kids running around while we got things ready.

In the foreground all of the desserts - including mincemeat tarts and fruitcake! - while Lulu builds her Christmas tree.

Which turned out like this - she definitely gets full points for creativity.

The only real picture I took of the food - in the end we had more than enough as much was added after I took the picture. A little of this and a little of that - it all came together. 

Finally a picture of the three amigos - Kaden, Cassia, and Keller. Boy, is it going to be rough for Cassia when we leave here. - she'll miss these guys. How nice that she has friends in the park - if they aren't here they are over at their trailer. The three parents are quite enjoying it all.

A group photo - somewhat. In the end there were about 20 of us.

Miss Big Eyes and I were home around 8:00pm - Derek stayed for the evening to visit with Lulu and George and the rest of the Mexican group. He had a great time!

We have a tree because Julia gave us one a few weeks ago that someone had left behind. We decorated it with a combination of things and thankfully had lights. We have the lights because they are battery operated - we use them when we are boondocking or stealth camping to conserve our internal battery.

The tree and looking out the wet window at our outdoor lights.

Which looks like this. Julia also had the wreath to give us. It's a small set up but pretty.

And by day.

Of course we were up pretty early - the presents to be opened. From us - in the large bag - Cassia got some new beach toys and candy. From Keller and Kaden she received Frozen gummies and a bug collecting kit and from Jean and Bill a dvd with the movies Frozen and Tanged. 

She is doing well in the candy department. Cassia also received the milk/pecan candy from our Mexican neighbours.

We were spoiled by Jean and Bill who made each of us a loaf of bread in their bread machine!

So, I made french toast for breakfast.

Later the boys came over to watch Tangled. Then Cas and I went to the beach.

Julia (who lives here in her motorhome) stopped by with presents for all of us. Rufus received a couple of dog treats, mom and dad chocolates and Cassia…..

a kitten…

and yes! More candy. Rationing might be in order.

While I was making dinner tonight - Cassia and Derek went on a bug search. They found a little cricket but Cas soon realized that the little guy probably didn't want to stay in the container.

So, that was the Wood Clan Christmas for 2014.

Last year it was the three of us in the Home Depot parking lot in Tupelo, Mississippi and then the Davis Lake Recreation Area.

This year it was nice to enjoy the festivities with a group of fellow travellers we have come to call friends.

We hope you all had a great day surrounded by the love of family, friends and yummy food. 



  1. Feliz Navidad....I just love to follow your days and the pictures that you use. It's the small things that bring the most joy and always when seen through the eyes of child.

    1. Thanks Kathy! Our live really is made up of the small things - guess that's how we keep it somewhat simple. We find the joy in the simple, uncomplicated things of life. They turn out to be the big ones. I so appreciate the time we have with her now - I was thinking about your post and the sadness that can come later when the kids are grown. I'm really working to enjoy these times to their fullest.

  2. So much fun you are having, meeting new friends and joying good times. The companionship for Cassia is wonderful too.

    1. Exactly George - not quite 120 people…..but enough for us. Cassia is in heaven.

  3. Looks like you all had a great day with good friends, glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Replies
    1. Just as yours was Contessa! Nice that you had such fun company there with you!

  5. Yup - nice park - glad you told us about it! It turned out very well considering there was no real plan.


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