With the Park being much quieter these last few weeks, I've been able to take my camera with me during my rounds.
I LOVE fall and couldn't wait to get to this time when the trees are changing colour. If you don't feel that way too this post may be a bit on the boring side for you! I KNOW one photo looks just like the other but they all seem so unique to me. I really had to edit and I still have too many!
Because Fintry ranges from a pine and fir forest to mainly deciduous it has a lot to offer. Put the rocks, hayfield and beach into that and it's a great place to visit - and photograph.
These pictures were taken over the last week or so - the second half of our walk from our house to the beach today. Derek and Cassia go there at least once a day after lunch. It was nice to join them for a change.
It's been pretty grey here lately. I was glad I had my camera with me early one morning last weekend as the sky opened up for a few hours. Here I am down at the boat launch/day use beach at about 8 am.
It's been months since I've walked the beach. During the summer with the high water level it's impossible to walk the beach - it's only this deep in the spring and fall.
A nice way to start the day - we are blessed to live close to a lake. This is Okanagan Lake by the way.

I stumbled upon a maple - we only have a few but they colour so nicely.
A great thing about Fintry are all the walking trails we have - even better at this time of year.
So quiet without all the campers. Although loop 2 is closed and empty now I can see all the activity and filled sites in my head from the summer. Time for it's winter rest and rejuvenation.
Some days during the summer the boat launch and day use parking lot are so full not one more car will fit - look at it now!
Waiting for next years kids.....
Loop 3 also now closed is one of my favourite places.
Lots and lots of rose hips in the Park.
The old building behind our house. I waited too long to take this picture.....
Also our back yard....
We had 30 campers in Loop 1 for the Thanksgiving weekend, plus 2 groups in the group sites. It seemed so busy after averaging about 5 - 10 campers per night over the last few weeks. A good crowd though and I think everyone had a good weekend - thankfully the weather was much better than expected.
The view from the overflow parking towards the historic barn buildings.
The amazing beech tree by the Manor House.
On our way to the lake we pass by barns and outbuildings from Captain Dun-Waters time.
Do you remember this tree lined road from the spring?! I knew it would be amazing in the fall. I'll head back over when it's all yellow for more pics.
And finally to the lake - it's only about a 10 minute walk for us.
A few geese stopping in.
In the 20 minutes that we were there the clouds broke up. Nice to see blue sky again.
Cassia was happy to finally be able to show me her favourite log.
A funny picture I know but I couldn't resist - seems like we are not alone - he was just here.
Any guesses on what - or who I'm talking about?
Time to head home.
Not exactly sure what type of plant this is but pretty neat looking. Derek is thinking an asparagus.
Cas - always looking for something to climb.
A reminder of the past. This is a piece of Captain Dun-Waters irrigation system. If you can believe all his piping from Shorts Creek was made of wood.
Down at Shorts Creek that comes from the water fall and past our house.
So - that's it.
I hope everyone - in Canada - had a nice Thanksgiving. It's not really something we celebrate since we are - working, don't have family close and well - are usually on the road in the USA at this time of year. It was a nice weekend though and like I said - it looked like a lot of our campers were in family units and had a great time.
Tonight is the last night that the park is open. I registered one campsite. It seemed fitting that the fellow shook my hand - my last registration of 2015. Last year I counted and registered 2,315 campers in 4.5 months - I would imagine that it was well into the 3 or even 4000s for this summer.
Tomorrow we lock the gates at 11:00 am and then Derek and I start with the final clean up and closing down of the park. As these things do, it felt like it took forever to get here until the end.
I have one more topic I've been thinking of posting before Cassia and I head out on an adventure next week. A girls trip down to the Coast and the Island to see Derek's and my family for the rest of the month.
We can't wait! A road trip!