Sunday, February 2, 2014


With the dawning of Thursday morning, we were all set to continue our trek north. We had places to go….

Since we were parked right beside the I25 it didn't take us long to head south a few miles to get on to the I40. 

A view of downtown Albuquerque from the overpass - a little blurry but I had to be fast and it was from my passenger side window which never really works well.

Looking to the Sandia Mountains bordering the east side of Albuquerque - heading to the I40. 

Only a few minutes on the Interstate - thankfully - and we were off onto the Turquoise Trail - Highway 14. Was that SNOW we just saw to the right in the trees and bushes?

A very scenic ride with subtle changes along the way. 

Coming down into Madrid. When we had first arrived into the Albuquerque Old Town we were talking with a fellow who suggested we visit Madrid. So glad he did because for some reason I had missed it in my research. So love when the locals help us out.

We could tell from the beginning that this wasn't going to be just any town.

Actually, quite a few movies have been filmed in the area - one of the more famous is Wild Hogs. Derek saw the poster in Madrid but didn't make the connection - it was someone in Santa Fe that told us. 

Obviously not strangers to colour - notice how New Mexican's love bright colours? It's been the theme since we arrived in Albuquerque.

Our first stop - Java Junction - when we arrived into town - mainly because we had parked right across from it - and we needed to sit and wait for our inverter to charge the camera for a while. The coffee shop's wifi was a +.


That sticker was on this bike - an amazing bike! WoW!

Coffee drank camera charged we were on our way for a walk around town - well, down the strip really.

Lots of shops in town - I really wanted to go into this one - Cowgirl Red - but it was closed - darn.

Love the flowers - looks like they are made from cans and spray painted.

If there is a train - Cassia is on it. 

Quite like the house in the background on the hill.

There are no words……

A little park along the main street with all sorts of photo cut out - I took a ton of Cassia but this one worked the best.

Also no words. Just so you know this had nothing to do with me. Cassia got down for this pose and turned to me and said - 'Mom - take a picture of me'. What have I done…….

A view of Madrid's residential area.

A neat antique shop - darn - I forgot the name of it!

Poor Ken….

The shop Owner was very good with Cassia and let her play with the very large doll house while we talked.

The Hollar looks to be a popular and groovy place.

We spent quite a bit of time along this row of shops - although I didn't take any pictures of it. We had a few really nice conversations with the shop owners and we also met a family from Taos. Cassia had fun running around with the two girls. 

LOVED this artwork.

A picture of the red house I showed early - now from the back.

A view of the main street as we headed back to the van. It was a fairly grey day but not too cold - windy though.

Once readied for take off we continued along highway 14 into Santa Fe. 

Following a stop at the laundromat for an hour or so, we settled ourselves for the night at the Home Depot. 

It was a nice day - we spent about 5 hours in Madrid - looking around and meeting the locals. Definitely up there as one of our favourite towns to visit and worthy of a return visit one day. 

Thanks to the fine folks in Madrid for their hospitality.

Since I am so behind on my posts and currently sitting at 77% battery power I am off to do the Santa Fe post. 


If you are looking for more of Rantin' n Raven we are not hard to find out there in the social media world. We are on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest. See you there!


  1. I never made it to loss, but your pictures are great!! I need to get off the interstates more......

    Safe Travels...........

  2. OK... I love the looks of Madrid. Def. on my list to visit.
    Even a turquois car !
    Those big bells/wind chimes looked interesting....
    We have been thinking about a front door colour for our house..... after seeing that lime green trim....we may just try that..
    thanks for a nice Madrid tour...and oh. my... that Casia is quite the poser....what a cutie....

    1. Easy to spend the day poking around there Kelly - lots of artists in a small area so lots of colour inspiration etc. We didn't even scratch the surface as far as going into the shops! I LOVE lime green - it gets my vote - my favourite colour!

      I've taken so many of pictures of Cassia that now she poses - funny!

  3. Wow! Very good post, and lovely pictures! thanks for sharing! If you are in Madrid and need car rental services you can find out more about car rental deals here.

  4. Me too! I almost didn't believe my eyes when I was looking at it - then I chuckled - so I took the picture.


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