Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Interestingly, we have yet to take pictures of the inside of our new home. When we arrived we instantly began bringing our stuff in from the van which quickly turned an empty space into one of moderate chaos. This has only increased since we picked up our storage trailer yesterday. Now, the house, which was somewhat organized, is now back to a state of complete chaos! So, those pictures will have to wait a little bit longer to make their debut on the blog.

But do not fear, the natural beauty of Fintry Provincial Park is the real story anyway.

In only a few short weeks - actually it took a lot less time then that - we have grown to love this place. A park we had never been to before we arrived on February 27th. 

We'll have many many more photos to show you over the months - and hopefully years - to come. However, you may as well start seeing it as we did - within the first few weeks that we arrived - there were sunny days and cloudy days. 

The pictures below are in no particular order and were taken over the first two weeks we were here. During the first week we had little more to do then to walk around. We made it our mission to walk every trail that is here. 

One of the most amazing things about Fintry is it's diversity - from the creek, waterfall and lake, to the hayfield, to the manicured grass around the Manor House. From the fir and ponderosa pine forest to the grasslands with cottonwood and trembling aspen trees. 

Here's the first tour. Looking back I can't believe how much greener it is already. Next post we'll show you our trip to Vancouver Island - then it will be back to a more complete look at Fintry.

The morning after our first night in the house. 

Shorts Creek runs right in front of our house. With the spring run off it is more like a raging river these days. The creek comes from the waterfall you'll see pictures of soon.

Our first walk down the main road into the park. 
We were excited Saturday morning to go take a look around. 

The campground map. The road we were on in the photo above is the long straight one that you see on the left. In three loops there are a total of 100 sites.

Of course this HAD to be our first stop.

But then down to the beach. Oh what a difference in temperature and clothing a month makes!

Then a walk past the Manor house owned by Mr. and Mrs. Dun-Waters. There is a lot of history surrounding this piece of property which we are still learning about. Check out the Friends of Fintry website for more info.

One of our favourite pathways through the trembling aspen.

Through the hayfield.

The farm buildings over by Shorts Creek.

We've taken on the waterfall climb about four times now - at 400 steps it's a bit of a work out! How the Dun-Waters harnessed the falls is written about on this plaque.

We can hear the falls from our house - inside!

The falls on another day - earlier in the morning - showing the ice.

Of course at 400 steps up there is a nice view of the fields and lake beyond.

There are smaller platforms along the way and one large one at the top. We stopped for a rest and snacks. A nice picture of Derek and Cas.

A trail leads from the stairs back down to a gravel road. It offers another good view of the park. The cul de sac is the location of our three group sites.

Now down at the lake and boat launch.

We've spent a lot of time here already. Nice that Cas has even met some local friends.

Another one of our favourite areas - we can't wait until it greens up.

You just never know what you'll find hanging in a tree!

We'll be showing you a lot of the plant life here as there is such a large variety - right now the Oregon grape stands out with the red leaves. Soon they will be blooming!

We've been enjoying walking along the lake during our after dinner walks.

Derek and Cassia down by the creek the day before Cas and I left for Vancouver Island.

Flip flops! You can take the girl out of Mexico but not the Mexico out of the girl it seems.

WoW! Right!?

An interesting historically significant place, a super park and great campground. We are busy through the camping season and you can see why. It's a popular place.

A popular place that is just two days away from opening it's gates.

We've been busy getting ready for the party.

Tomorrow is the day to put the final touches on things. The park isn't totally ready as we only open one loop - 50 sites - plus we've just gotten the general clean up done. Our first employee starts with us on Friday and the three of us will continue to make Fintry shine.

It promises to be a good and interesting summer.



  1. Such lovely enthusiasm shines through..hope is catching here at Monck!!
    Hugs my friend !!..thanks for sharing all the photos!!

    1. Thanks fellow PFO! We both have lovely parks to work at this summer!

  2. Wow is right. The park is lovely. I think you have a dream job!

  3. Sounds like you have a real nice piece of paradise, enjoy your new home and lifestyle.

  4. Wow, this looks like a beautiful park. I am sure you will enjoy your time there. Can't believe that the park opens up this weekend. Looking forward to seeing what it will be like this week and how the rest of the spring and summer will go. Have fun. :-)

    One more month and we will be back at work too!

    1. Thanks Ruth! Early spings here in the Okanagan! But still coolish so need to be a hardy camper! Not sure what to expect for this weekend - we'll take pictures though!

  5. Your pics are an awesome view of a childs perspective of the world. Cas is a lucky little girl .

    1. She is isn't she Rick - one day we know she'll appreciate it!

  6. What a great place to call home! You guys always find fun and enjoyment in your surroundings. Love all the photos - WOW is right!
    Connie in PA

    1. Thanks Connie! We love to go on walks - so much to see and enjoy!

  7. Beautiful place! Looks like there's plenty to enjoy there! I'm so happy y'all have found this place!

  8. Looks like you guys have found a great spot. Home sweet home! Have fun and we can't wait to see the pics of the house.

  9. A beautiful place to call home. Thank you for the pictures. What does Cas think about having a permanent home and starting school?

    1. You are welcome Gene - we are happy to share! Cas is loving having a house that has a room just for her and a bathtub. No schools near by so she'll be homeschooled.....

  10. Makes me nostalgic for home as we live with hay fields, trees, mountains, rivers and creeks. I bet I know who is the happiest....Rufus! Enjoy.

    1. I bet it does Kathy! Ha! Yes, Rufus is very happy although he can't run free - no dogs off the leash in a provincial park....

  11. Now this is a park! It's nice you have all the water around you, the falls and or stream should help too put you to sleep at night. Now is the time to take up fishing and and maybe gold panning and gemstone hunting, must be some gold in those hills! I hope you have another way to get to the top of those stairs, beside the stairs...maybe a golf cart!

    Your statement "down to the beach. Oh what a difference in temperature and clothing a month makes" was my exact thoughts! What a different beach, different temperatures and different clothing! One thing for sure, no need to look for crocs and I'm not talking the type you wear :) unless of course they are boots! Mexico has taken hold of you and I know your gonna retire there someday, the cold cuts ever so deep the older we get. Older, did I say that, who's getting older?

    Viva La Mexico, eh!

    1. Love your first sentence Brian! It sure is! It gets hot here in the summer so the water will be great! Not sure that we'll have time for all that! We work non stop for the 6 1/2 months!

      Ahhhh - 400 isn't bad!

      Retire in Mexico?! The jury is still out on that one but I sure hope we still get to visit in the future!

  12. We may need camp hosts in the future Cj!

  13. What a wonderful place. Maybe we should start packing and head on up there. Can't wait to see more pictures this summer. Enjoy your dream job.

    1. We'd be thrilled if y'all came to visit! You should be able to do it in what - 24 hours straight?!!!

  14. Looks awesome and better yet, it suits you three perfectly! I think the Fintry people were lucky to get such great "gate keepers" as you guys!! Looking forward to more pictures and stories!!

    Cheers from White Rock (which is now our new home....)


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