Thursday, April 23, 2015


I find it VERY hard to believe that 8 days have past since our last post. Sorry. 

It's been kinda crazy around here. I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with it all at the moment. 

All will be well when I can get into a good routine. It might not happen for awhile but it WILL happen. Coming off of 7 months will no routine, means that the adjustment into our summer work schedule takes a bit of well, work.

I've really enjoyed the last few weeks but for me it's been a lot of setting up - cleaning and maintenance in the park and the bookkeeping on the computer. A steep learning curve - really working my brain. I spent the better part of last night and today setting up the wireless printer. It's been a while since my brain has been that twisted up. I can only say that in good humour because I got it to work. 

Anyway, that's how it's been here - busy. Then things got even busier for me over the weekend as Derek and Cassia headed down to the Lower Mainland (that's what we call the area around Vancouver) for a few days.

Here are some pictures from their trip to Chilliwack.

The first time Cassia has been in the passenger seat. She was the photographer for the ride down.

Her vantage point is a little different from mine!

From here at Fintry they went south to Westbank and then over to Merritt - down the Coquihalla to Hope and then on to Chilliwack.

Cas loves tunnels - I wasn't surprised to see this picture.

A bit like a roller coaster - right?!

Coming into the Fraser Valley. 

Derek and Cassia were in Chilliwack for the rest of our belongings we've been storing in his sister's garage. But of course it was a great chance to visit Cassia's Auntie Lisa and cousin Krysta. That's Rufus's sister Bubbles by the way. 

Derek and Cassia brought Rufus so that he could play with his sister.

They all had a great time visiting for a few days. There's Derek's mom who you met when she visited us in Zihuatanejo in January.

Cassia's other cousin Tylar stopped in to say hello.

With everything packed up in the van and trailer they made the five hour trek back to Fintry. I just knew there'd be a selfie in there too!

A great shot of a Raven at a rest area.

Still quite a bit of snow in the mountains.

Much of our stuff is still in our trailer waiting to be unpacked. We did get out our table and chairs though. After 1 1/2 months we were done with sitting on the sofa for our meals. 

And if that wasn't enough travelling for D and C - we headed to Vernon yesterday for supplies and groceries. We switched our town day from Tuesday to Wednesday since it was cool and calling for rain.

Our favourite stretch along the 45 minute trip.

When in Vernon getting our errands done we've been finding it challenging to find a place for lunch. Then we noticed Pho Fusion. Now, Derek and Cassia had just had Vietnamese food in Chiliwack at one of our favourite places called Pho Galaxy. We had no idea if Pho Fusion would be as good but figured we'd better give it a try. 

We are happy to report it was great. Thankfully. Now we have a lunch place to go to when in town. Here's Cassia displaying her unique way with chop sticks. Somehow she actually gets food in her mouth.

After that we stopped in at Voets Coffee. My sister and brother in law on Vancouver Island got us started on Ancient Ritual coffee - our new favourite.  

Our last stop of the day was at another of our new favourite places in Vernon - Swan Lake Nursery. Although Derek and I have never met a Nursery we haven't liked. 

A gardener's dream......

You can see there that we bought some strawberry plants - 12 of them in fact. 
A good deal at $5 for three.

And finally, we have a new addition to our family. This is MnM. Actually, MnM has been with us before for a few years. She is Derek's mom's cat who has been living for the last few years with Derek's sister. Sadly, Derek's mom cannot have animals where she lives. 

Cassia has been pining for a cat - a kitten actually - and this is a good alternative. Her and MnM have become fast friends. She's going to need her patience with Cas as you can see. Ha!

So, that's how it's been for us this past week. In addition to our park work. We had a fairly busy weekend with 25 campers on Saturday night. With the beautiful weather we also started staining our picnic tables. 20 down only 80 to go.



  1. Even being so busy, you still managed to publish a great post....had a giggle at Cass's pics...she is fast becoming very might be replaced as the blog photographer...LOL the nursery was a great temptation....I love them...good luck with the strawberries and may they be fruitful.......cheers ...

    1. Thanks Leslie! I could definitely use some help taking the photos - I'll have to put her on assignment for a few posts soon. Nurseries are ALWAYS a temptation for us - we have to have a lot of will power when we go!

  2. Please tell Cassia that she did a VERY good job. And a belated congrats on your new dream job - a lovely spot.

    1. I'll tell her Barb! Yup - now just to find a home for everything!

  3. Making progress and the weather warming up, good deal.
    Great pics from Cassia too.

  4. I love the pictures of "life from Cassia's perspective."

    Looks like you're nesting quite well in your new home.

  5. Had to chuckle at Cassia and MnM's "ear rings!" Enjoyed Cassia's photos she took on the trip - way to go, Cassia! You are doing a great job of getting settled in your new home - one day at a time - enjoy!!!
    Connie in PA

    1. Ha! Me too - I was surprised they stayed on as long as they did.

  6. Fo certain lots of work but as you say once you have a routine it will be much easier. How much quicker is it to go to Vernon than to Kelowna?

    1. About the same time to Vernon or Westbank. We choose Vernon though because the road is less winding and there is the construction closing the road twice a day toward the south.

  7. Great new photographer in the family..cassia did a wonderful job!!
    Love the new addition..looks like a Maine coon?

    1. Yup - she's hot on my heels. I guess since she watches me take photos so much it's natural for her. Ha! A maine coon!

  8. I'd love to have Vietnamese food. It's been a long time. Do Rufus and Bubbles know there is something between them? May sound like a silly question but . . .

    1. Hopefully you can fine some Chris. Ya - they do actually - interesting eh?! Now and then we say to Rufus - 'Where's Bubbles" - he starts looking around and gets all excited. They only see each other once a year or so but pick up where they left off.

  9. Who knew a kitchen table could mean so much - but we're the type that do everything there. We all love tunnels!


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