Monday, December 21, 2015


The only picture worthy events these days continue to be our walks around the Park. It's been so pretty with the freezing over, threat of snow, some snow and then lots of snow. I do also have pictures of all the goings on in the house - baking and such - but I'll save those for next post.

Over the last week our landscape has changed dramatically with the lack of snow and then a full out snow storm. 

 It hasn't been very cold so we've been enjoying getting out to experience the changes.

This was a walk we took last week. Cold, freezing but really not so bad. Most days, by the afternoon, things are melting with temperatures just above freezing.

Derek and Cassia wanted to take me on a route they had found a few weeks ago. It's a different area outside of the main campground area that we hadn't been before. The area where there was a huge forest fire years ago.

 Lots of animal trails.

The area is regenerating nicely. This is looking north to Okanagan Lake - I love all the red that shows up well at this time of year. There are actually two deer down there but they are hiding pretty well. 

This lookout gave us a very different angle to see the Park and beach. In those fir and pine trees is what we refer to as Loop 1 in the Park.

Only a few days later and the Park had been completely transformed!  Derek and Cassia decided to embark on yet another hike behind our house following the deer trails. All the power to them of course - I happily watched them get ready and head out - and then got back to my reading by the woodstove. 

By hiking up on the other side of the creek, Derek was able to get a great shot of the old Dun-Waters dam and suspension bridge for the aquifer.

When you go for a two hour hike in the snow - hot chocolate and snacks are a must!

What do you do when your photographer didn't make the trip - well, take a selfie of course!

A good view of the waterfall stairs and viewing platforms here at Fintry.

I'm sure it's unanimous that Rufus is exactly in the right place for him this winter!

A different view of our house then we are used to.

Sometimes you really have to bush whack on those deer trails to get to where you want to go... I think Cassia was involved in a slip and slide at this point.

They even had energy left over at the end of their hike for a snowball fight!

Between snow falls the snow settled a bit and the sun and blue sky even appeared.

Derek took this one of our house on his walk Sunday morning. More snow.....

And this one at the barns.

That look on Cas's face - that's the look of 'I'm going to get you will a snowball'.... we had just been throwing them at each other. This was on our walk yesterday afternoon.

Even the beach had snow although it was melting pretty fast making it a pretty slippery walk.

There is always time to stop and make an angel isn't there....

Cassia's first snowman! Mr. Melty a few minutes later but he's still somewhat intact today.

So - for a family that has spent next to no time in the snow for the last five years we are really enjoying it. 

Let it snow..... let it snow.... let it snow.....


And by the way - we'll be looking for Volunteer Park Hosts here at Fintry for the 2016 camping season. The term runs from April 1 to mid October. The hosts need their own RV but are provided with full hook ups. If you are interested or know someone shoot us an email -! More info is at Kaloya.


  1. Reminds me of our winter back in Ontario this early spring, can still feel the chill.
    I am sure Cassia is enjoying it though.

    1. I bet it does George! Guess you don't want to do that again! She's in snow heaven!

  2. Soon the slopes will be running! You guys will love tubing down the hills!

    1. They've been running for a while now Peter - we are headed up to Silver Star for Cas's first time tubing in January!

  3. You have way more snow that we have in town! We arrived late Saturday evening and have enjoyed watching the snow come down on and off for the past few days 😊 I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas.

    1. Hi S! Ya it's really starting to pile up! Ya - you are enjoying it cuz you get to leave it! LOL A very Merry Christmas to the both of you and your families!

  4. Replies
    1. Sorry Theresa but this is the only option I have -. reply to someone's comment. Very nice pics and it looks like life is good. Merry xmas and hi to all.

    2. Only option I have also. Love the pictures. You are in a beautiful place. Alot different than this time last year in Mexico. So good to have you back blogging. I missed you

    3. Strange that that happens! Doesn't matter - we get the message anyway Barb and Jean! Life is good Barb - enjoy the beach! Thanks Jean - very beautiful and I've missed y'all too!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. She's a cutie for sure! Fintry is an amazing Park - what's not to love! Merry Christmas Cj to you and Mr. Jer!


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