Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Don't worry - I'm not even going to try to explain my absence this time!

We finally have something blog worthy to report! The three of us recently took a trip - to somewhere further than Vernon - after - 9 - whole - months! We've been home almost a week now - so it's about time I got my stuff together and got it up - for those of you still hanging here by a thread. I was about to do so when I realized that there would be a HUGE hole in the story if I just started at the end of November. 

So - I'd better start back in October and fill you in what we've been up to since we finished our work here at the park back in mid October. 

It really hasn't been much. What can we say - we went from 60 to 0 fast. One day busy - the next day not. And that's how it's been - nothing to do with no schedule. 

How fun!

 As we've been on the road for the last five years, there have been many things that Canadian kids do each year that Cas has yet to do. So - it was pumpkin carving day!

'Sure you can just sit up on the table!'

While Cas and I roasted the seeds we let Derek do the cutting. 

We did go on to make another with the sole surviving pumpkin from our garden.

And of course - Cassia has never been trick or treating! Most of you will not be surprised to see that she wanted to be a dinosaur! Since there aren't any kids in the neighbourhood across from us - we had to reach a bit further. Word on the street was that a neighbourhood 15 minutes north of us is THE place. Lucky for us, our Park Hosts are living there right now so we had someone to visit at the same time. Cas was just thrilled to visit Penny and Kevin's dog Sam.

It was a great night and we all had fun!

Cas was pretty impressed with her haul which actually paled to the days Derek and I recalled with our full pillowcases!

One of the things we continue to do is walk around the park. 
Derek is at 4 walks a day, Cas 2 or 3 and me - well, just 1. What can I say! 

This is the last of the fall pictures of the park - it really went out with a bang!

'The Road' again - one of our most favourite places. 

What a great mid October afternoon. We stopped for some beach fun along our walk. 

Cassia's thing is to bring an apple along to eat during the trip. 

Sometimes we walk to the lake and sometimes, like this night, up to the water tank. 

Who needs playgrounds?!

Cassia is nice enough to share her apple with Rufus - he just has to work for his piece.

'Hey kid - stop playing and give me my apple!'

I realized that I've never shown you the labyrinth that is here at the park - it's by the Manor House.

We do stop by the real playground now and then. 

Cas and Derek spent some time cleaning up the garden. We've left the bulk of it until spring to provide the birds with some odds and ends. 

A family photo down at the lake!

We haven't asked Rufus if he likes staying home better than going to Mexico but we're thinking he's ok with it!

Stormy over Vernon way.....

but still nice over on our side of the lake. 

But not for long.

The remnants of this shed stand in the middle of the park beside the foundation of a house that burned down 30 years or so ago. 

Other than that we've been homebodies - enjoying our cozy little house. Cas and I do a bunch of things each day - some homeschool related and some not. There is a lot you can learn from toothpicks and marshmallows by the way.

Derek was given the task of wood stacking. We've now got three cords of wood. Hopefully that will hold us until spring - if not we'll just get more. Our home has character but with 10 foot ceilings and single pane windows it can get cold - we need to keep the wood stove going all day to keep it warm and toasty. 

And last but not least - I've taken up bread making. Really - I don't know what took me so long. My favourite is the no knead dutch oven kind - I make it every few days. 

I don't see store bought bread in our future ever again!

When I'm feeling a bit more adventurous I go back to the traditional style - this was with the Alpine mix that we picked up at Rogers Flour Mill - one of our new favourite places!

So - there you have six weeks really quick. 

Since we've been enjoying being homebodies so much we still just go to town once a week. 

But after 9 months enough was enough and we headed over to Vancouver Island to visit family and friends for a week. We had a super time although it was a bit of a whirlwind. 

I'll get those pictures up soon!


By the way - we'll be looking for Volunteer Park Hosts here at Fintry for the 2016 camping season. The term runs from April 1 to mid October. The hosts need their own RV but are provided with full hook ups. If you are interested or know someone shoot us an email - alifemadesimple3@gmail.com! More info is at Kaloya.


  1. Beautiful, hope you find time to share more often! I just shy looking at your wondrous life!

    1. Thanks Maura! I'll try! We are very thankful for the life we have!

  2. Yea - you're back! It's great seeing you enjoying yourselves with lots of fall family fun activities. It looks like Cas can open her own candy store - so cute! Don't blame you for being homebodies after those busy summer months of work. Wishing you a happy, healthy holiday season!!! (((HUGS)))

    1. Ha! Well, for now anyway! lol Yes, it is so nice to just 'be'. It was a crazy 6 months so we definitely feel like we deserve the rest!

  3. We have very limited internet at the moment so I was unable to see most of you photos but I did get to read your post in total. Glad to see that you are enjoying the home life and that Cassie was able to go trick or treating this year and carve a pumpkin. Nice that you got to get away for a short trip and see some different scenery for a change, we sure know what that is like after just 5 months.

    Look forward to your next post.

    1. We are the same after 5 months! This year was so different - by the 6 we were having a hard time keeping it all together. It felt a bit strange not leaving at first but since there are no people and no responsibilities we are managing very well!

  4. We think and talk about you often. Glad to see your post. She sure is growing up.

    1. So sweet Carol! I have been following you just don't comment often! Glad to see you guys are back in Mexico!

  5. Pretty sure that Rufus will be okay with a Canadian winter for a change. :-)


  6. Have been missing you, glad you are enjoying your quiet time.

    1. Thanks George! I've been doing a ton of reading - of all people you and Suzie can definitely appreciate that!

  7. Glad to see a post from you today. Life at the park sure looks tranquil. The autumn colours are amazing.
    When I was a kid I inadvertantly learned a lot of things just by turning the pages of the family encyclopaedia.
    Try to find a Brittanica for Cas, I think she would benefit from it. Have a wonderful Christmas and new year.
    Greetings from San Miguel de Allende.

    1. Glad to have you back. I have missed you. You live in a beautiful place and your pictures are wonderful. Stay warm and keep us in the loop. We love you blog. It does not have to be anything exciting to blog about, just everyday things and pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    2. So happy that you guys are in Mexico Peter! Boy to I hear ya on the encyclopaedia - I used to look through it too when I had nothing else to it - it was so interesting. Might be hard these days to get our hands on a set but we'll try! Tranquil it is!

    3. Thanks Jean! I'll try to post more often!

  8. Glad to see all is well with you and your family. You could give Ezekiel bread a run for their money...



    1. Hi Brian - yup doin' good! I checked the link! Ha! Hi to Nancy!

  9. Beautiful pictures Teresa, it looks like you had a great fall. But I'm still waiting for Fintry in the snow pictures :-)

    1. Thanks S!!! We're still waiting too! Only 2 dustings so far and one while we were away! Don't worry - when there is significant snow I show the pics!

  10. Heyyyyyyyyy Cj! Thanks! And it's so yummy! We will!! Hey - maybe you'll want to be our Park Hosts one summer!


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