Thursday, November 20, 2014


As promised, over the last few days, Derek and I have collected some pictures from our immediate area for you.

Our home and neighbourhood until the end of February.

Nice that we already have a sense of community from the Owners and waiters at the restaurant, to our fellow RVers, to the ladies at the local store. 

As the days go on I'll take more pictures a little further a field. Tomorrow night we are heading over to Jungle Pizza for dinner which is about a ten minute walk away - I'll get shots along the way for you.

The gates of El Manglar. Nice that they are locked when the restaurant is closed - an added bit of security. After speaking with Owner Edmundo - we chose site #1. We were hoping for the area across from it because there is more shade - but it is a large site and is reserved - which makes sense. We had put us in Site #2 but since he still had #1 we chose it instead - it's where we were last time - that way we always have one side open. Actually, it's not really open - it's where one of the companies store their parasails and banana boat. We know them from last time - nice guys.

A closer look. I took this today just as we were arriving home from our trip to the market. Cassia has only one thing in mind - the beach. 

Edmundo mowed the lawn yesterday just as the newest RV arrived - from Quebec. Although there are a few exceptions - the group here tends to either be from BC or Quebec. 

The 5th wheel in place - can you imagine driving that through Mexico???!!!! - and I get stressed with the van. Across from them is Keith, also from BC.

The 'inside' of our site. Ok - not so tidy. Out door living at it's finest. We ended up going with a canopy and tarps because we could not - and I mean could not - from one end of the USA to the other - find a screen tent. This will have to do. We'll probably look for some mosquito netting in town sometime. 

And at night - now only messier with Cas's toys here and there. We brought a rope light which is quite nice.

The new look for El Manglar! The restaurant is closed on Wednesdays - a nice time for us to be able to sit here. We don't get much of a breeze at our site whereas here there is one off the ocean. 

The bridge to the beach from the restaurant.

The way back to our site.

A quick stop to see the restroom. The restaurant has restrooms but the RV park has it's own. Behind the door is the shower. I don't mind the cold water so much - because why - yes, because it is so hot here! But I sure wish it was a bit more than a drip. Not sure how I will wash my hair here….

And Derek demonstrating the outdoor shower - also cold and also not much more than a slight stream. Oh so nice to rinse off the sand and salt water though.

We are surrounded by wildlife here. Yes, there are crocodiles just over yonder from us - and no there is no fence to keep them from eating us! No need to fret - they appear to be well fed and not so interested in us. Fun to watch though!

Lots of birds - they are VERY talkative in the mornings - kind of like our alarm clock. At night - like now - we enjoy the song of the cicada.

Tree roots!

The hotels across the cul de sac from El Manglar. The one on the right also has an RV Park. Only one large A Class right now that I can see - last time we were here they were packed in there like sardines.

This is the path that we take to the beach. About a two minute - if that! walk from our site. It's quiet now - busy on weekends because it is a hotel and restaurant area.

A hibiscus plant along our walk.

Today we went to El Centro to the market - I'll show you those pictures next post. We were so hot when we returned that we went straight to the beach. The two black spots in the ocean are Derek and Cas. I brought the camera today - in a plastic zip lock bag - am I the only one that does that!? Since we only have the one camera I'm pretty nervous about it breaking or getting sand in it. 

To my right…

to my left. Pretty quiet during the week right now - the beach was packed when we arrived on Sunday. Guess it will be like this until closer to Christmas.

And a selfie - I was going to show you how my tan burn is doing - it actually doesn't look so bad in the picture. I was trying to tan slowly - thus I spend my day under the umbrella. Forgot about while I'm in the water however.

I just love this couple - he's a musician and his wife comes along - they are fully dressed but come with their umbrella. I felt a bit weird taking their picture so I used Cas as a decoy.

Now mom and Cas in the water. I'm not terribly comfortable in the ocean. Although it's fairly calm, last time Cas and I got knocked over by a wave and became separated. Scared the @#%^^&*$ out of me!

When we returned from the beach I headed to the outdoor shower. I then headed quickly back to the van for the camera upon seeing this iguana standing near by. This was as close as I dared go.

Four others standing guard - it appears. Not sure if they are females and he's the male or what.

 Pretty neat - they are fun to watch. 
I can see that they are going to be one of my muses over the next few months.

My last shot as I headed back to the van.

So, that's how it is around here. 

Not bad. 

Oh - have I mentioned the cost yet? Don't think I have.

Well, for full hookups - with 30 amp electricity I might add, great wifi, showers and restroom we are paying $12.50 per night. Pretty good - right?! It fits pretty well into our frugal budget. I'm not sure what the price would be for a large rig. We get a deal because we are small and more importantly because we don't have air conditioning. 

As mentioned - we headed down to the central market today with the combi - that's what they call the vans here. We melted. But - we picked up some great produce and found Bernie - our Oaxacan cheese guy.

That adventure next post.



  1. What a great spot! We never got quite that far down the coast. Next time!

    1. So sorry you missed it Croft. I know you were frustrated with the windiness of the 200 north of Lazaro Cardenas and headed inland. Too bad because the road straightens right out to get to Zihuatanejo. But in the end it is best to get here from Patzcuaro. Hey - do that - then you can stay at the Villa Patzcuaro and visit the Isla de Janitzio!

  2. I checked out the grocery shopping link you supplied - really loved it - enjoyed the singing bus driver and also researched some words on your grocery blog I was not familiar with...Panaderia = Bakery LOL - also Cilantro = some green stuff that must have a distinctive taste...there were cilantro hatters on google LOL Cassie has grown so much since then...Keep on with the good life cheers from Oz..

    1. Hi Leslie! That was a fun bus ride! What! You've never had cilantro? Really - you don't have that down there. It does have a strong taste thus the love it or hate it. We LOVE it and it is very good for all of us. She sure has - I have a hard time believing it myself - only two years difference!

  3. Interesting place . . . thanks for taking us along.

    Did you know you can get sunburn from sitting on a sandy beach? Happened to me. I took my sister and niece to the beach and brought an umbrella for me to cower under since I did not want any sun (past sun damage from my teen years). I got burned anyway - the reflection off the sand did it. Who knew?

    1. Been there done that in Cancun. I got burned badly under an umbrella it's like a rotisserie and evenly cooks all parts which aren't covered.

    2. Well, that certainly makes sense! Guess I'll be covering up for a while.Darn - it's so hot even a swimsuit almost seems too much!

  4. One of the first things I noticed when we lived in Puerto Rico, was how the locals were mostly covered up when out in the sun. Too hot for me, but I did try to stick to the shade as much as possible. Never burnt, except one time on a sailboat out of Fajardo. Be careful under that sun.

    1. So true Bob. I'm fascinated that there are locals walking around in jeans and long sleeved shirts!!!!! However, there are a ton of Mexicans on the beach sporting the same things as we are. Yup - I'll need to be much more careful!

  5. Nice to see you back here, we remember it well, whats not to love about the great deals you can get there plus the awesome beach and weather.

  6. Great place and photos...thanks.

  7. That really does look nice! Being so close to the ocean, having a place to go sit in the shade and relax on Wednesdays, a great rate--$12.50!! Sweet!! Great shot of the hibiscus too! Enjoy yourselves, wish I was there, but not day though! Never thought I would care for Mexico, but that mindset is changing....

    1. Ha! Glad to see the changing mindset BlackSheep! That's what we like - to let people know how it REALLY is down here in this beautiful country! I hope you get to experience it one day!

  8. Not a bad price! Is that related to the fact that you're staying for a while? In other words, is it a monthly rate?

    1. It is the monthly rate Kevin which is 4,500 and yes, most likely because we are here for the winter. Last time we were here we paid $15 per night (we stayed 3 weeks). Online I saw that they charge $180 per night or $1,200 per week which is probably the cost if just coming through or staying a few weeks. Again, not sure about larger rigs - however you don't use the services much…..unfortunately there are only 12 spaces and only about 7 can handle larger rigs.

  9. Great price! Tough to find a screen tent at this time of year. Last year I found one online and then had it shipped to a location on the US to pick it up. It is great to have. How are the noseums and mosquitoes?

    1. Hi Contessa! Not bad for being right on the ocean…..True - I guess that was our problem - we were too late for the end of season sales. We are kicking ourselves because we should have brought one from Canada - we just thought they would be cheaper in the USA. There are both noseums and mosquitoes - the noseums are so bad - more mosquitoes then we would like - due to all the moisture they have had lately. Hopefully with the dry season they will disappear - we didn't have any the last time we were here in January.

  10. You better put some meat on that man of yours, looks like a big wind may blow him away :) feed that guy lots of tortillas and cheese!

    I love the Iguanas, the male is beautiful. I guess the Crocs must eat them, have you seen other predators which may eat the Iguana, any raptors to be seen? Good thing they can climb trees, eh! Reminds me of your post a couple years ago showing them in the trees.

    Great place to immerse Cassia in nature. When we were in the Pacific NW we saw slugs, slugs and more slugs. The slug was the critter seen on an everyday walk in the forest.

    Thank you for sharing and give a big hello to the rest of the family.

    1. Ha! Derek gets that all the time - he's been 120 lbs since high school - and here he thought he was putting on weight! Gravity just seems to be catching up with him. Hmmm - really - you think the crocs eat iguanas - I never thought of that. Actually - I really do think the restaurants feed them but I could be wrong. No raptors to be seen. We had slugs on the Island as well - glad they are not in our lives anymore. Thanks for checking in!

  11. You are quite right to keep that camera in a bag at the beach. I have had terrible trouble with dust and sand inside my camera from holding it up taking pictures while doing 100k on the bike. I have a good place to have it cleaned in Mazatlan (thanks to a comment from Contessa) for a reasonable cost of $20 but I was told....keep it in a bag!!! I now have a second camera as the first one needs to be cleaned again and the lens cover won't open properly. Hope he can fix it as it's a good one and I really like it.

    1. Funny that I have never thought to put it in a bag but since I seem to be on a streak of putting everything in little bags I finally figured it out. $20 isn't bad to save the camera but I'd probably be hard pressed here in Zihua. I hope yours can be fixed too!

  12. The Iguanas remind me of the little dinosaurs that Cassia plays with - they are cute, aren't they? Nice campsite! Enjoy but stay out of the sun as much as possible - one pays for sunburns in later years - I know!

    1. Too funny Connie - Derek was saying the same thing - well sort of - how much like dinosaurs and how quickly they can move! They do have a cuteness about them, the problem is that I wish I could get really close to get a good look but quite impossible. I hear ya - I thought I was being careful… sheesh.

  13. Nice place! Looks like you found paradise for the winter. Enjoy, we still have cold nights here, 11C.

    1. We did Chris! But it is hot…. I could use a moment of your 11C. It did cool off today a bit with the surrounding thunderstorm which was quite refreshing.

  14. It's a good idea - right?! I have been using the coconut oil and aloe vera but not sure it's working. I was trying to avoid sunscreen because of all the chemicals - some use coconut oil as sunscreen but again I don't think that works. We may have to pick some sunscreen up! So wish we had that screen tent!


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