Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Following our arrival into Santiago - the city just south of Monterrey where our friends Chris and Juan live - Friday afternoon, we spent the remainder of the day and evening catching up. We hadn't seen them since their visit to our park last June on their Great Canadian tour.

Saturday morning we were up and on our way to see the sights.

(By the way, lots of pictures coming at you - including our sightseeing for both Saturday and Sunday.)

First stop, the Cola de Caballo waterfalls. The waterfall as you will see is spectacular, however so is the park leading up to it. Chris told us of the hurricane that caused a lot of damage here - you wouldn't know it now with all of the new walls and stonework.

We are really enjoying all of the greenery in this area of Mexico.

Then the climb up to the waterfall.

Beautiful - right?!

There was a bit of wind so it was very misty - the reason why we aren't very clear is because the mist is on the lens.

Same thing here but I still wanted to include the picture anyway. 

Following the walk down from the water fall we walked past the parking lot to have a look at the hotel on site.

Cas was fascinated with the peacocks.

The balcony offered a great view of the area looking back towards Santiago. 

Chris - our tour guide, Derek and Cas.

Cassia was happy to have a memento of our visit.

After a stop at home to pick up Juan we continued our tour. First, the plaza in Santiago.This is the 

Parroquia Santiago Apostol.

Across the street in the plaza the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) was being celebrated with a competition of altars.

Hmmmm…..hard to tell what Cassia thinks of this display.

Sampling cheese.

And if that wasn't enough - Juan and Chris completely spoiled us with a fantastic lunch.

 And a couple of monarch butterfly hair clips.

Next up? Dessert of course!

Gee Mexico we sure have missed you!

Chris and Juan's very comfortable and serene home.

What's a Sunday morning without an all out breakfast?

If only……

and…..if only…….

A view of the back of the Parroquia Santiago Apostol.

A view of the lake at Santiago - Presa Rodrigo Gomez.

Where we found a Beetle rally in full swing. If you can imagine - the car isn't painted it's covered in a fabric.

My favourite - an idea for the Wood Clan?

And look who got a pony ride.

Chris and Juan were very generous to purchase a pony ride for Cassia - something she was longing for.

The a tour to the next town south of Santiago - Allende. At the plaza they were wrapping up their Dia de los Muertos celebrations. Cassia got a quick picture with one of the girls.

The Parroquia de San Pedro ApĆ³stol.

On the way home we stopped in to see the Bahia Escondida Hotel and Resort's RV Park.

A view of the lake from the other side.

All I can say is - we are starting off our Mexican Winter tour on a very good foot. 

We are so glad we decided to start with a trip to Monterrey and Chris and Juan's. We are super impressed with this area. 

Next up?! Our trip into downtown Monterrey today. Sadly, it was raining or grey for the day so we weren't able to get really great pictures - and our visit was limited by the arrival of Prince Charles. However, we did look around a bit, visited a couple of museums and had a very good vantage point to view the modern high-rise buildings.

To see pictures from Chris and Juan's camera head over to Living and Boondocking in Mexico.



  1. Excellent photos and we are very happy you guys stopped by. Yep, Santiago is a beautiful area that many people pass up when they come across the border. Let's see what your pictures of Monterrey bring. :)

  2. Awesome pictures sure looks like you had a wonderful time.

  3. Love your portrayal of the area. So much more beautiful that I could have imagined.

  4. See? Just a couple days of fun and the trauma of crossing the border and then the trip to your friends home is all but forgotten!!! Keep having fun, and keep taking pictures!!! We all enjoy them so much!

    Safe Travels........

  5. I'm behind in catching up on my blog reading! Wow, love your write ups - always enjoy the places you visit! Your photos make one feel like they are there in real life. Have a great next couple of months!
    Connie in PA


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