Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Wow - has a week passed already?!

Looking forward to each Tuesday when we come into town, seems to make the time go by quickly. Less than four months of work - already.

This is our second day away from the park. Yesterday we headed east over the connector highway to West Kelowna - our bank is there. We stocked up on groceries while we were there - with the larger stores there we have more selection to choose from - although not really a good thing. Derek found a good vapour shop in Westbank also - a good thing. He is doing well with his e-cig for those of you that read our blog post about it last December. It's been six months now - it's been good for his health and our finances.

Today we are back in Merritt for our weekly trip to the pool and library.

The rest of the week will be working hard to shine the park up for the weekend.

So, this is what Cassia does with her new markers - yes, washable - and hair ties - she dresses up as a Native American (we call her an Indian but I don't think that term works so well anymore - right?!). Anyway, when I leave after dinner to register our campers, Derek and Cassia often take Rufus for a walk in the woods. Lately, they have been pretending to be Natives hunting buffalo. They have also been gathering wild onion which we have been using in our meals. 

A nice selfie! Cassia is busy taking pictures any chance she gets - mostly of herself or her toys. 

Here are some shots of our trip to the Group Site here at Kentucky Alleyne. We headed there a few days last week to have it ready for a group for the weekend. Derek mowed it on Thursday - the three of us went out Friday morning to sweep the tables, rake the fire pit areas and to clean the toilets. 

Here's us pulling out of the compound.

A view of the camping area at Alleyne Lake - this is where our friends Chris and Juan stayed as well as Sue and Doug.

Heading towards the gate. It remains locked except when a group is in which means that anyone that wants to see what it looks like needs to walk the 2.5 km road in - or wait until a group is in of course. 

Another view of Alleyne.

This is a good way to give Rufus a run - can you spot him?

Here he is!

And here we are!

A view of the north end of Alleyne Lake - the water is amazing - isn't it!

There is a nice grove of trembling aspen - we LOVE them.

The Kentucky Alleyne Provincial Park group site. We really like it here - nice with the grass and rolling hills - much different than the forested area of the main campground.

While I swept, Derek and Cassia spent most of their time relocating the baby toads. Cassia is full of concern for the little guys and gals.

A selfie while we are heading out - what can I say - it's a slow ride out.

Saturday afternoon  Cassia and I headed up behind our compound to pick some wild onions as a gift….

for Bev and Leo. Here is a great picture of our campground friends. We met Bev and Leo back in 2006 when we managed the park. It was so nice to see them again. 

They left this morning, after being in the park for a few weeks, and invited us for dinner last Saturday. We will sure miss them. We would stop at talk to them almost daily; I'll miss their constant smiles and Leo's seemingly endless amount of information and wisdom. This is the couple that have lent us their generator that I told you about last post. They are 80 and going strong! I already can't wait until they return in September.

And just so you don't think our job is all driving to the group site and having dinner, here is a picture of us at the dump. With such a busy weekend we had a very full truck come Sunday afternoon.

We had an unexpected visitor Sunday bearing dinner and dessert - just as I was getting enough energy together to get our dinner made... Her timing was perfect. This is Derek's Aunt Jackie who lives close by in Merritt. Nice that we could visit with her again after many years and her first time meeting Cassia. Somebody was not impressed with her portion of dessert, so Dad took a certain little somebody for a  time out.

So, that was our week. 

The park was relatively busy and we had a few days of heavy lifting of the trees that were taken out down at Kentucky. Nice that we have a large stack of firewood now though. 

This weekend promises to busy with Father's Day although the forecast is the pits with rain forecasted for Friday, Sat and Sunday. Too bad because it coincides with the kids fishing derby on Sunday. Fingers crossed that it won't be as bad as they predict. They are never right anyway - right, right?!

I've really been enjoying meeting our campers each evening - I learn so much and it's nice to swap stories. A couple last night spent 8 winters traveling to Mazatlan and stayed at the same RV park that we did. The other night there were two rental RVs carrying two couples from Germany - the one fellow had been to Canada previously 15 times and the USA 6 - wow, they sure do love Canada and all the wide open spaces!



  1. Nice to hear from you guys. It look lovely there!
    It's great you have so many people to visit with.
    Speaking of weather men being wrong . . .my son in law is one, and he gets paid rather he's right or wrong! LOL

    1. Thanks Patti! Ha - ya - don't we all laugh at the one job where you can be wrong most of the time and still get paid for that! We enjoy our camping 'community'!

  2. I realize a lot of work is involved but .... wow, what a great place to spend the summer!!

    1. True and true Steve! That's why we do it and the work keeps us fit!

  3. Cassia,you are a good photographer! I am glad to see you are having a good summer at the park.Your friend,Vada in Texas

  4. nice recap of your day..would much prefer yours over ours! great to see your smiling faces again!

  5. Good memories of the park and our time with you guys. Did they remove the downed trees on the road to the group site?

    1. Ha! Yup - just in time and then two more down last week! Looks like it could be a consist problem - they brought us a saw! Ha! It's really greening up now!

  6. Looks like you are keeping pretty busy there. Working and having company. Such a nice campground too.

  7. Looks like fun - alot of work - lots of memories being made for Cassia - what a beautiful place to spend your summer months!!!

  8. Cassia's face in that last picture still has me laughing. We love camping in the Canadian Provincial Parks. They're always nicely wooded and well-maintained. Now I know why - thanks to you.


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