Tuesday, June 3, 2014


K-A as in Kentucky Alleyne Provincial Park where we are stationed this summer.

All is going well however we sure could use a warm up of the weather - still cool days and even cooler nights - near freezing - up there at 3,400 ft.

I will have to be quick to get this post together - I have just wasted more than 30 minutes here at the library waiting for my MacBook Pro to repair our iPhoto library. Seems it crashed between the park and here. Grrrrr…… not so much fun not having wifi at the park when that happens. We only want to come to Merritt once a week - a. because we like being in the forest and b. because of the $1.439/litre of gas price ($#@@#$%^$!!!). However, we usually have such a long list of things to do that we have trouble getting through it all before we have to head back.

Anyway, two great events to tell you about today!

But first! Here is a picture of our new Marmot friend lovingly now named Marmento!

And of course it was Cassia's 5th Birthday on May 28. As we always do - Derek and I set everything up the night before. Since it has just been the three of us celebrating her day for the last few years we start the day with her celebration rather than waiting until later in the day.

The problem this year was that Cassia is on to this now and so was up early - really early. Who knew that it was light already at 5:00am! 

Here she is opening her present from her Uncle Dane and Aunty Kieu!

And from her Gram Gram - Derek's mom. Cassia has been pining for a Dr. Set Up, as she calls it, for a while now.

After the presents were open and breakfast was eaten Derek and I had a bit of a nap while Cassia played.

We saved her Birthday Cake until after lunch. 

Mum and her Birthday girl!

And Dad….


Or is it a crow and a unicorn?! Who knew you could have so much fun with party hats!

Even Rufus got in on the action although he wasn't terribly excited about it.

As you could imagine we have a lot of camp fires. Cassia has been asking for marshmallows so with her birthday we finally picked some up. Roasting time.

Cassia getting some soccer practice in with her new ball and shin guards.

Oh! And here's us with our work truck. 

Our youngest crew member!

We were able to get the picture of the three of us because these two came to visit! We were beyond excited when our friends Chris and Juan from Mexico - you can find them at Living and Boondocking in Mexico -  arrived last Thursday! 

We sure enjoyed their two day visit - Chris gave a detailed description of their stay so head over there for the full scope. I just have time to show you the pics with a quick note. Here's Cassia of course during our 4km hike around Kentucky Lake on Friday.

Nice that the wild flowers are finally blooming - this is an Indian Paintbrush.

Ha! Funny picture - caption anyone?

Beautiful orchids!

Group photo time at the end of our walk.

We finished just in time - look at those clouds. In the end they passed us by without a drop of rain.

So - did you notice the fancy interior pictures of Cassia's BD? Sure didn't look like our van - right?! Nope - the Wood Clan is living in style these days thanks to our good friends Rob and Lynn! Just so you know that there are very generous people in this world here is proof. Rob has been a follower of our blog for a few years now. He and Lynn came to see us at Skihist a few summers ago. When he read our post about our roughing it for the season, Rob offered us the use of their 5th wheel - if we pay the insurance. $340 is well worth living at the Ritz! And …….. more great news! Campers that we met when we worked K-A back in 2006 came and have given us their generator to use until September. 

Our living area is really coming together - we just need a carpet and some plants. 

Cassia working on her photography skills from the truck as mom and dad get the cleaning done.

So - all for now. Sorry I can't ramble on but it is time for us to move on to grocery shopping. 

Not sure if I can post next week or not - we'll see. 

I'll collect some more pictures of the park for you and such. 

The park is pretty busy these days with fisherman and due to the fact that seniors get 1/2 priced camping until June 15th - $8 per night to camp - not bad for here in Canada!



  1. You guys are lucky! Imagine, the unexpected use of a 5th wheel and a generator! You were lucky to see the guys when you did because Chris was under the weather when they got to Contessa's. Even so, they are enjoying their Canadian adventure.

  2. Great pic of Rufus...I laughed out loud!

  3. How wonderful on the blessings! And happy birthday Cassia!

  4. Happy Birthday Cassia! Wow you growing up real fast.

    So nice that you got to spend time with Chris and Juan.

  5. Looks like it was a great party! We had a great visit with you guys, the hike, the food, the last night's campfire. Memorable. Have a great summer and we hope to see you down our way this year!

  6. happy belated birthday to Cassia!! love the new digs!! so great when things actually come together!!


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