Monday, April 8, 2013


Hello New Mexico, so long New Mexico.....

Helloooooo Colorado.

That was our day last Wednesday.

Our spot for the night at the Texhoma Park in Dumas, Texas. By the time we were up three of the rigs had left and the other two were getting ready. We weren't sure what we were going to do - stay or go - we were sure enjoying the warm from our little heater. Plus - we wanted to wait until any ice on the highway melted a bit.

The kind of night it was.

Except that as the morning went on the weather just go worse - rain then snow. When we finally decided that we had to get out from under this dark cloud, Moonashee had yet to come back to the van.

Rufus - less then impressed. You have to feel sorry for him - he is in the middle of losing his winter coat. Not much of a snow dog anymore.

At 3:00 pm Moonashee FINALLY decided to come back. He was warm and so had obviously found himself a nice place to nap. Yep - the fun of traveling with animals - this is about the third time this trip that we have had to wait for him before we could leave. Grrrrrr.......

West along highway 87 heading to New Mexico.

Not only the border crossing but does that look like thinner clouds? 

So long Texas - you KNOW we'll be back!

 By the time we were well into New Mexico there was blue sky - it had been a few days since we had seen it!

Blue blue blue sky! And sun! And hills! 

 We passed by the Capulin Volcano National Monument - we looked but we didn't stop.

Getting closer to Colorado the landscape really started to change.

We haven't gone 'up' like this for quite a while.

Really enjoying the scenery - reminds us of home.

Since we left late we had decided to stop at the Colorado Welcome Center in Trinidad - just enough of a trip for the day, about 3 1/2 hours. 

We found the Welcome Center easily, parked and decided to walk into the downtown, which was very close by. The Center was closed for the day but they provided their map brochure a rack outside - LOVE when Visitor Centers do that.

We walked across the bridge and noticed the park on the left. A playground that a little girl could NOT miss it was so big - and just LOOK at those slides. 

While Cassia and I did that, Derek went got a closer look at the row of flags and steam train.

We then strolled around downtown. Many of the streets were in brick - amazing because they were all stamped.

Our stealth parking spot for the night in behind the Welcome Center - beside the train tracks and under the Interstate. It turned out to be a very quite spot - amazing - right?!

We'd so love to take an Amtrak trip one day - we were excited to watch it go by. On the other hand, we were thankful that none went by during the night.

The next morning we went for a family walk along the river. Nice that Trinidad has a long riverwalk.

A relief painting along part of the trail.

A really neat whimsical entry into from the river walk pathway to the river.

We walked for quite a distance and then headed back. While Derek and Rufus went back to the van Cassia and I headed back into the downtown to the Children's Museum.

 And here it is from the outside - the LOCKED outside. Parenting mistake 1000 or so - don't mention something unless you KNOW it is going to happen. I went on and on telling Cassia about the red fire engine inside etc. only to find out it wasn't open!

So what is a mom to do to lessen the pain with a candy store across the street?

Don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same!!! 

Although we thought to stay in Trinidad for another night - since it was so warm - by lunch time we were done and decided to move on. 

Trinidad is a neat little city with an interesting historic downtown - we were glad we stopped. It was all very unexpected.

In the end we didn't go far up the road - just to the Home Depot in Pueblo. HD is one of our favourite urban boondocking locations because of the wifi.


TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: We were pretty excited to enter the State of Colorado. Although I have been here - but it's been awhile - when I was 24! Derek has never been and we haven't traveled here together. Hopefully we get to see quite a bit of it before we leave - even with all the April snow!


  1. Sometimes we ask - sometimes we assume - it depends on the location. We arrived at the Trinidad one after closing - since there were no signs we stayed. We figure that if there are no signs it's open game. We've never been turned down.

    We find stealth camping much easier with the van then the truck trailer but that just may be our own perception.

    We also like being close to where we want to look around so stealth camping in a parking lot or street works for us.

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