Sunday, March 9, 2014


Since we are sitting here once again in the rain this evening, with a wifi signal, I'm continuing my quest to get the blog up to date - this will be the third post of the day!

This post is a collection of the first six days in Oregon. We spent four nights at Harris Beach State Park just north of Brookings and the next two at Humbug Mountain State Park waiting out the a storm.

Just look at this first picture! This was last Saturday - our first full day in Oregon - what a greeting!

We arrived at Harris Beach State Park late Friday afternoon. No pictures to show - but once we found our site, Cassia and I headed over the the playground. She quickly found two friends and so that is where we spent the rest of the day. 

Saturday morning was back to the playground - nice that Cassia could do that while I did our laundry. It has been awhile since we have found a washer for $1 per load. 

When Cassia's friends mentioned that they were going to the beach there wasn't much chance that we weren't going as well.

It's a fairly short walk from the campground down to the day use area and the beach. 

Fun for Cassia at the beach.

Sadly, the best photo of Cassia and her two best friends for Friday afternoon and all day Saturday - Maya (6) and her sister Josey (4). Two super girls at the park with their grandparents. 

In the Fred Meyer parking lot - another interesting rig.

There is a craft brewery in Brookings - although they are just getting their taproom up and running. Derek stopped in on Friday to get some info and look around. We returned Saturday to see if they were open but they weren't. Good thing the girl had told Derek about Ray's.

So, off we went to Ray's Foods to their Growler Station. Now, if this isn't a reason to love Oregon I don't know what it would be - craft beer taps at the grocery store. There's Store Manager Nole filling our growlers with beer from Tight Lines and Arch Rock Brewing Co.  in Gold Beach.

Here's a picture of Derek's swanky new stainless steel growler. He's been pining for one of these for awhile now. We couldn't resist with a price of $29.99 including a $9.99 fill. They usually go for around $45 - empty.

Our site at Harris Beach State Park. It was rather busy but most want to overlook the beach. We didn't mind being in the middle row corner so we had our street to ourselves. Perfect because it was actually quite close to the playground, laundromat and two shower buildings.

We really enjoyed our stay at this park and would recommend it for the $21 per night - the off season price. LOVE Oregon State Parks so far - everything was in good repair and clean.
Good that we had one nice day - Saturday, because the rest of the time it rained.

Come Tuesday we decided to move on up the coast. There are many State Parks with day use and points of interest along the way - I was hoping that we could stop at a few to slow us down. First, up the Thomas Creek Bridge - Oregon's highest bridge. It sounded like really something to see in the tourist book. Not fun however, having to pull over on the opposite side of the road - on a curve.

 Well, not really worth the stop. Better to visit the link to see the bridge from a distance - much more impressive looking at it from out in the ocean!

We continued on finding that most of the stops meant crossing traffic which we aren't really keen on. Finally, we found a beach stop on a straight stretch with a large parking lot. 

It was cool, damp and windy but we went for a walk anyway.

A boat from Japan perhaps?

Action shot!

Next up, Gold Beach. I had read that GB has a very nice Visitor Centre and just as important - wifi.

We were desperate to get some internet time in and a few posts up.

While I did that, Derek and Cassia went to the beach - looking for a float.

Made in Japan - if only this tire could talk - right?!

No luck finding a float for Derek and Cassia - so upon their return and Derek's turn on the computer, Mom and Cassia went to look. And just look at what we found! What a special memento for Cassia. The Visitor Centre has been 'planting' floats along the beach as part of a promotion they have going right now. A big thanks again to the ladies at the VC - we had a nice visit there.

Gold Beach has it's own historic bridge - the Isaac Lee Patterson Memorial Bridge spanning the Rogue River, from 1932.

Further up the coast - coming around Humbug Mountain - just before the entry to Humbug Mountain State Park - our next destination.

A much smaller park than Harris Beach and much quieter, just us, the Hosts and the Class A across the field from us.

You bet Cassia was pretty happy with our site choice - at least someone is enjoying the rain.

The next morning we walked down to the ocean which is easily accessible by a short trail from the campground.

Very windy but we persevered. 

Pussy willows on the way back - nice.

Heading back to the campsite. 

It was a good thing we got out to the beach when we did because we were van bound for the rest of the day. Mid afternoon and the winds started - big winds - 70 mile per hour winds that didn't let up until the next morning. We were a bit sheltered but the van shook for most of that time. Only a bit scary. 

With winds like that we didn't want to travel and ended up staying two nights at Humbug Mountain - for a very affordable $16 per night with electricity and nice showers. 

By Thursday with the wind subsiding we decided to carry on - we were now getting cabin fever and had about enough of the rain. 

Of course, while we spent almost 24 hours in the van, we were busy making a new plan to head for higher ground.

Enough of the clouds and rain for the Wood Clan.


If you are looking for more of Rantin' n Raven we are not hard to find out there in the social media world. We are on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest. See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Well organized and well captured photos. I like your album for its series of pictures that is telling the whole story itself.


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