Thursday, March 6, 2014


What with our very long coastal drive the day before, come Tuesday, we decided to take the day off. The driver was deserving of a much needed rest from behind the wheel.

And with Half Moon Bay just up the road with two breweries, we had a day to kill. 

The plan was to beach jump the day away. Here's how it turned out.

From our overnight stop at Highway 1 Brewery we could see that there was a light house just up the way - Pigeon Point. 

We weren't exactly sure if we could get to it - drive? walk? So, our first stop was at a pull out just to the south. 

Then back in the van. As we got closer we noticed a sign and drove right in. Nice - a road leads right to the light house and circles back to the highway along the coast for about a mile or two. We stopped along this road and walked back to the light house.

Just a short jaunt….

I LOVE this plant! LOVE the colours - I had to google to find out what it is. An 'ice plant' a native of South Africa brought to California in the 1900's. Invasive they say?!

Many nice trails lead from the light station - we were sure enjoying our walk.

Even stairs down to the ocean! Yes - I am always last!

Then we walked back to the van via the beach on the other side of the light station. Have I mentioned that Cassia is a HUGE fan of rock climbing? She was in rock climbing heaven!

Our only option to get back up to the van. No - we aren't walking on the plants - there is actually a dry stream bed beneath our feet. Still - a bit of a climb.

At this point we spent a little while in the van. Since it wasn't time for lunch yet, Cassia and I headed back to the beach.

How fun! The tide was out enough for some beachcombing and tidalpooling!

'Cassia - can you smile for the camera?' says Mom - vs. …..

Cassia freestyle!

Yup - long empty walking beaches are good but give me this type of beach anytime! So much to look at. Cassia and I got quite a collection together in our 1/1/2 hour walk - to bad I forgot a bag - my pockets had to suffice.

After lunch and a relaxing afternoon, the four of us returned to the beach around 3:30pm. 

Now, the tide was really out!

Hmmmm ---- look what Rufus found for himself!

Derek and Cassia stayed but I wasn't up to watching the feeding frenzy! Poor Mr. Crab…..

Back on the road in the latter part of the afternoon to head to Half Moon Bay. There are many roadside pull outs along this strip with access to very nice beaches. The reason we stayed at the Light Station Park was that I had talked with a couple when we first arrived and they said they preferred that beach because it was the most quiet and the furtherest from the highway. With that information we decided to stay for the day rather than move along from one to the other.

A really nice ride between Pescadero and Half Moon Bay.

Too bad for power lines!

Because we had no idea where we were going we did drive right through the quaint downtown of Half Moon Bay. It looks like a very nice place. We stopped at the visitor centre to find out that the brewery was about four miles north. We never did make it back to walk around the town but it looked to be a worthwhile stop if you are ever through.

Having parked in the Half Moon Bay Brewing Company parking lot - we approached it from the back. Because it was a such a large parking lot - we were happy to find our overnight spot.

We enjoyed our flight and since it was happy hour we also enjoyed a few 1/2 price off appetizers. 

Enjoying the cozy interior of the brewery. 

It was an early night for us - guess that had to do with all the ocean air and beach walks from the day.

We had also planned to check out Hop Dogma Brewing Co. in El Granada, but they were closed until Thursday. Too bad.

So, with that we had another coastal day under our belts. And another brewery of course. 

It was a good day.

(Good thing too because the next day wasn't quite so carefree!)


If you are looking for more of Rantin' n Raven we are not hard to find out there in the social media world. We are on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest. See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures of the beach are OUTSTANDING!! Wish I was a mouse in your pocket.


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