Friday, March 21, 2014


Last post I promised you the pictures from the Deschutes River State Recreation Area - and  here they are. The DRSRA is just west of Biggs - just east of The Dalles.

A very lovely spot - we highly recommend a stop if you are travelling along the Columbia River. 

If you recall, we were walking along the Deschutes River back in Bend - funny to meet up with it here again as it meets the Columbia.

We arrived Tuesday early afternoon and stayed until Friday morning. Each of the nights we were there there were two or three others with us - they all left in the morning and someone else would show up in the late afternoon. It was an easy decision to leave Friday when we realized that they had twelve reservations noted for the weekend!!! Time for the the Wood Clan to hitch up.

We like campgrounds - sort of - but we really aren't in to them when they are busy. After all, we spend our summers in a campground.

Nice that we had three quiet, warm days and the park pretty much to ourselves.

Our site - perfect. In the sun and backing on to the river. 

The only downfall was that the water is shut off. No water, no dump, no washrooms, and no showers. Thankfully they had a portable toilet to use so that our tanks didn't fill up too fast.

 When not hiking this is where we spent our time. The river was very high and yes, Derek and I were a bit nervous with Cassia playing so close. We were with her at all times and talked to her over and over about going to close. That helped but in the end we were glad that we didn't stay longer or return - the river that high was just asking for trouble with kids. It only takes a second…..

The campground has an amazing grass area for day use and tenting - which was closed for the season. Obviously the Canadian Geese were pretty happy with that - until they saw Cassia running towards them that is. Their little tormentor!

There she is in action …… 

There is a lovely trail along the river that goes in and out of the trees. We walked it three times - each a little further. See that!? Sun, blue sky and a t-shirt. Brrrr…..not that nice along the River these last few days.

Blossoms even!

Above, but also running along the river is a hiking, bicycling and equestrian trail - the old railroad bed. Wednesday morning we started to walk it but then decided to take a road up not too far in. Why walk on flat when you can kill challenge yourself to get a great view?

Certainly not for the faint of heart …. here's me stopping to take a breath ….. errr … I mean a picture.

The climb sure is worth it though - a great view of the rivers and campground below.

Similar picture I know - but here it is with the train going by. Oh - did I fail to mention that the train goes RIGHT by the campground?! And honks EVERY time. Yup - just with all the other State Park along the Columbia - you get to listen to two things - the train and the highway.

Derek walked a bit further up then Cassia and I and so had to take a selfie - whose that clean shaven guy?

Heading back down….

On our way back to our site we stopped off to read the historical information about the area. So fascinating. As I've mentioned - I read a lot of westerns and are particularly interested in the migration from east to west. I have read many books about the Oregon Trail. 

One of the many benches to rest along the River trail.

Thursday night we met one of our fellow campers - Kathy, George and their grandson Brody. Nice that Cassia had a friend for a little while anyway. They were staying until Saturday and then heading over to Memaloose State Park until early in the week.

We had plans to visit The Dalles, Hood River and area for the weekend but promised to see them Sunday afternoon at Memaloose so that Cassia and Brody could carry on with a combination of fun and torment.

We had a fun weekend celebrating St. Patrick's day - a few days early!


If you are looking for more of Rantin' n Raven we are not hard to find out there in the social media world. We are on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest. See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Dreher Tropical isle State Car park in fact consists of three islands linked to the shoreline with a causeway in addition to a couple of bridges. The 1st isle boasts a hiking location. The middle isle carries a marina in addition to vessel slipping, vessel ramps, plus a tempt in addition to deal with look for more information


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