Sunday, January 25, 2015


Friday morning, Derek and I had the bright idea to go over to Playa Las Gatas. This is a beach that we can see from Playa La Ropa but we have never been there. Two year ago when we were here, Derek snorkelled there with Freddy but they didn't actually go to the beach. The water around Playa Las Gatas is a well known snorkelling area. We knew we could walk there - or so we had been told - but had the even better thought to ask our parasailing friends to give us a lift in their boat.

As we were leaving the RV Park we ran into the guys and they were happy to give us a lift over. We just had to wait for the boat to arrive. So - we shopped at the 'temptation store' - which by the way - is right across from Audrey's hotel room. As we were going by we saw that Jasmine was putting out new shirts. I picked up the green one that is in my hand and Audrey picked out another for a gift. 

We then went back over to the hotel to get a picture of the exterior. We had originally booked the room above but due to an in house communication error we ended up with this one which ultimately was better because of the ease of entry.

Hopefully we will one day return to Zihuatanejo as fly ins - if we do we'll stay here at El Pirata. It's not fancy but it is just right - plus it's just down the alley from El Manglar. It's not necessarily quiet but it's affordable and about 20 steps from the beach. Plus we know the family that owns this entire block and really like them.

The view to the left.

Looking towards the restaurant which is on the beach.

It wasn't long until we were headed out to the boat. Without a dock at our beach we had to walk in a bit and literally jump aboard.

The four of us - picture taken by….

our friend Manuel. Here he is reaching for the camera. That's Obed driving the boat.

Minutes later and we are unloading.

Amazing water - right?! It didn't take long for Cas to jump in.

We walked the length of the beach first. It's a bit of a gauntlet with all of the waiters trying to convince you to sit at their restaurant. It's actually quite funny to listen to their stories and why you should choose their restaurant.

In the end we headed back to Simon's mother's restaurant. 
He was the most enthusiastic and a challenge to turn down.

Derek rented his snorkelling gear and was off - reasonable at 50 pesos for the day.

We had both lounge and sitting chairs, tables and an umbrella. Here we sat - Cassia spending most of the time in the water - Audrey and I taking turns joining her.

Cassia was happy to take the equipment from Derek upon his return. 

Pretty funny watching a petite five year old walk in adult flippers.

You are probably not surprised to see that they didn't last. We were amazed at how quickly Cassia took to snorkelling. She is still learning to swim but for some reason she became a little mermaid with the gear on. 

Because you get your chairs for free it's pretty much expected that you are going to buy something at the restaurant. While our food was being prepared, Simon came by to show us the fish. We had passed on the combo plate worth 530 pesos and opted for french fries and guacamole instead.

You really can't come to Mexico and miss out on a coconut.

Best fries we have had in Mexico - home cut, crispy, and tasty - they didn't last long.

If you are looking to occupy a five year old just give them a coconut and a straw. Cassia spent about a half an hour scraping out the coconut meat. Eventually Simon took it and brought back the remainder in slices.

After lunch Derek went back out for a second snorkelling trip - 
he had missed the King of King's statue the first time. Then we headed home.

We walked to where we thought the path back to Playa La Ropa was but then wondered because it was pretty rocky. The guy sitting close by assured us that that was the route….  Yikes! First we have Audrey walk to El Centro and back and now we are having her walk on rocks.

She's a real trooper though and we made it.

We'll call Audrey's trip to Zihuatanejo - her 'Mexican Adventure'!

Now back on the road that will lead to the hotel.

Nice - eh?!

It's just crazy that it took us so long to go there! The best part about Playa Las Gatas is the shallow water with little to no waves. Not sure if we'll get back there before we leave or not.

And - speaking of leaving……

We will be departing from El Manglar, Playa La Ropa and Zihuatanjeo next Sunday!!!!!!

I know! How fast did our time here go?!! When we arrived we thought we would be staying until the end of February - but that was when we thought we'd be starting work the beginning of May. With our new job posting with a start date of April 1st, we've had to move up our time line.

This gives us a month to get home. We want to dawdle in the USA for a bit…..

I've been doing a bunch of research and will tell you about our route up through Mexico soon.



  1. So glad you are enjoying yout final few days there on those awesome beaches. Hope you have som decent weather on the way home.

    1. We hope so too George - looks like the west is doing well weather wise - fingers crossed it continues.

  2. Lots of great memories for Audrey. no pictures of the jumping aboard ?? :)
    Sure is a beautiful beach...

    1. Nope - no pictures of the jumping aboard because we were protecting our cameras - too bad right?!

  3. Someone is having a great time in Mexico! Cassia's leg at first glance coming out of the float tube appears as an optical illusion. We're still in January, not February, giving you a full 1/6 of a year to return home.

    1. Ha! Ya - funny about Cassia's leg - you know kids - they can bend their legs every which way! Good way to look at it Brian - so looks like we have lots of time!

  4. That was a super, fun day! Audrey will have lots of wonderful memories to take back home. Shopping, boat ride, swimming in water where you can see your toes, kind of like a private beach, yummy snacks and coconut drinks, "rock climbing", and just spending the day with those you love! Precious memories!!!!
    Connie in PA ;)


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