Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Well, it had to come to an end but it's hard to believe that today was the day for Audrey (Derek's mom) to return home. That was a speedy twelve days - wasn't it?

Looking back we made good use of our time and I think we nicely balanced her time here with relaxing, beach time, shopping and eating out. Also lots one on one time for Cassia and her Grandma.

Here is how the rest of her vacation with us went. A collection of photos - this and that.

Lunch at El Manglar last week. These days we go for the fish sticks - we're quite hooked on them.

As we were leaving, Memo - Owner of El Manglar - gave Cassia an assortment of shells he has collected. Memo is a super guy - we'll miss him - as he has a twelve year old daughter - Cas and Memo are good friends.

A few days later we went back to Paty's for happy hour and dinner. Julia stopped by our table - she is a favourite seller of ours - always friendly and likes to talk with Cassia.

We bought this mobile for Cassia's future room.

Derek was almost sold on the masks - but I wasn't…..

Cassia liked this one of course. In the end it was a no go with the masks.

Sunday afternoon we celebrated Cassia's friends - Kaden and Keller's - 7th Birthday.

While we were in the water on later in the afternoon, Derek called out to us that something was on the shore. Since a group was forming we went to take a look. Sadly, a dead dolphin had washed up.

Derek helped Louis and another fellow wrap it up.

It was carted away in a wheel barrow. Apparently the fire department comes to pick it up. We learned from Hannah - the Owner of El Pirata later that it had been swimming in the bay for about 10 days. Louis figures it had been dead for about two. Not sure how or why it died as there were not marks on it's body.

On Sunday we also had the kids from the hotel rooms on either side of Audrey's room over to play.

With Grandma here to look after Cassia - Derek and I went to dinner at Il Mare with our good friends Freddy and Frosso. They are from Regina and we met them two years ago. Lucky them - they spend six weeks here each year.

In addition to great food it has a stellar view.

It was an amazing meal with a drinks to start accompanied by salad and artichoke bruschetta. Then on to the main course with a bottle of red wine. I ordered the Farfalle with Chilean and Norwegian smoked salmon while Derek had the Rigatonni with pancetta. We finished off the meal sharing a chocolate torte.

We had a lot of fun - nice to get out with another couple for an evening - something we rarely do.

Tuesday was our last visit - for Audrey - and us - to El Centro. We didn't walk a dog but did go up to visit the animals. A new litter of pups!

Then to our last coffee and smoothies at El Cafecito.

Yesterday, Cassia spent some time visiting with our neighbour Bill.

Bill and Jean - and lovely Marlo - are heading out tomorrow destined for La Penita. 

Down at the beach yesterday at El Pirata.

For our last dinner together we went to Rossy's last night - we enjoy the upstairs area with the hammocks.

Cassia also has friends there.

I went down to take this sunset picture.

Now looking back up at Rossy's.

Julia found us again. Because she speaks a bit of English and can understand our broken Spanish we can have a good conversation with her. 

We also bought another mobile for Audrey's place and a couple of necklaces.

And with that - Audrey's visit was complete. She left just after lunch today.

That leaves three more days for us. 

Sunday we head to Patzcuaro. Hard to believe that it has been almost 2 1/2 months ago since we stopped there on our way down.

More about that next post.



  1. What a wonderful time you had and kinda sad that you have to start heading north, but some great memories were made.

    1. Always sad when the party ends George - you know how that is. We'll drag our feet as best we can….

  2. Y'all have had a fantastic "last winter" on the road! Safe travels up north... and if you are passing this way you are welcome to have a pit stop in our home!

    1. We didn't do too bad! Thanks for the invite! We'd love to visit with you guys but we are headed west through Texas…..

  3. You created some wonderful memories for all of you.

    1. We really did Contessa…..we are glad she came to see us!

  4. Great menu! And great memories for Cassia!

    1. Yup - you would have enjoyed my dish Croft! So true…..

  5. She's home! Cas's BD isn't until the end of May - it was the birthday of her friends here at the park.

  6. Time really flies when you're on vacation. Glad you guys had a great time with Audrey.

  7. Two and a half months wow time has sure flew by. You guys have a safe trip home. And good luck with the new job. And start saving for the travels that will come again one day. Hoping our paths cross one day...

    1. Thanks Gerry! I guess if we were here longer you'd eventually come this way….. I've sure been enjoying your tour of the southern part of Mexico. We never say never….


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