Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Last post I promised to show you the signs of Christmas around the RV Park.

However, I forgot that today was Tuesday - shopping day. It seems that Tuesday is now officially our 'going into town' day. Although we tend to look up against it because of the logistics of getting there and making our way around - once we arrive we are happy for the change of scenery. We do love the beach but you really can get beached out.

It was a long busy day so I have lots to show you.

Nice that today started out a little cooler than usual with the cloud cover left over from last nights rain storm - we got pounded overnight. Appreciated by most I bet, but the humidity was just starting to be manageable.

Our first stop today was the Doctor. Although Cassia and I are pretty much over our colds and flu, Derek's sinuses have been bothering him as well as a plugged ear. He had the same problem the last time we were in Mexico and didn't do anything about it - in the end lasting about three months. This time we decided to get some help early on. I found Dr. Rogelio Grayeb on ZihuaRob's site which is the go to site here for all things Zihuatanejo and Ixtapa.

I located his office via google map. Thankfully it wasn't difficult for us to find because we got off the combi at the same place we do to walk to the Commercial Mexicana. Although this time we had to walk further around the glorieta and down a few streets. 

Nice that they have good signage.

Nothing like having a large screen TV to watch while you wait. 

It took about 10 minutes for Derek to see the Doctor. We thought there was problem because of sand and ocean water but it turns out he had regular build up in his ear. A very nice - very funny Doctor as I found out when I came in to visit a bit and pay him. It cost 700 pesos which seemed a bit high and turns out it probably is but well, it was an issue that needed to be taken care of so there you go. He also gave Derek a prescription for nasal spray for his sinuses and cough medicine.

From there we went back to the glorieta - Plaza Kioto. Cassia asked to have her picture taken with the sleigh and rain deer.

From there we crossed the street to head into town. We had been promising ourselves to come this way to take a look at 'piñata alley'.

Which also had a section of plants.

Noche Buena.

A good 1/4 mile of piñata sellers!

I'm sure it's not hard to guess who had their eye on a piñata! Actually, Cassia first learned about piñatas from Curious George. We bought her a small one as a keepsake for 15 pesos. 

From there we walked along the canal to El Centro. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures. Along the beach front heading to the Cancha Municipal there are many restaurants. I took a picture of one of the advertisements for Christmas dinner. If you are here and want a Turkey dinner it's not to hard to find. 
It does sound good!

The tree that is standing at the main Plaza. I think it may have been for the Sunday night festivities.

Beside the tree the creation of this sand sculpture was in progress. 

Amazing - right?!

Where were we headed? Yes! Back to the Humane Society.

First, to visit with the kittens…

and then to walk the dogs. This time we took two - very very hyper dogs. Derek and I each had one as they were too much for Cassia. Funny, I have no idea what Cassia was looking at! (Update: Derek tells me she could see the water through the drainage hole.)

Needing a path to walk the dogs, we ended up in an area we hadn't been before. We are standing on the bridge and looking toward the canal that goes into Zihuatanejo.

Now I've turned to look out at the bay. 

When we returned to the Human Society, we replaced our dogs with a puppy for Cassia.

Cute little guy but he started shaking when I lifted him up on my lap. Guess he hasn't been held much.

Once he was returned we heard the coffee at El Cafecito calling our names, just as our friend Keith did last week. I think we'll be regulars here by the time we leave. Who can resist the hot and cold coffee and today Cassia got the blackberry smoothie.

From there we decided to have lunch at Pizza Loca. Now, we really are trying to love Jungle Pizza at Playa La Ropa but sadly we leave hungry after a 170 peso pizza. Not good. According to TripAdvisor, Pizza Loca is considered the best pizza in Zihuatanejo by many. Today was the day for us to put that to the test. However, it was 1:00pm and they weren't open until 2:30pm.

So, we decided to walk around town.

This guy is trying to talk us into dinner at his restaurant tomorrow night.

Too bad this picture came out blurry - we stopped for a bag of strawberries for a snack. The first strawberries we have had since Patzcuaro.

After that we went back to the beach area for a bit.

Then back for our pizza!

We were the first customers of the day.

Our large Loca pizza. It was good and very filling but not great. In the end, we like the price - 140 pesos and the amount of toppings of Pizza Loca, but the taste and atmosphere of Jungle Pizza. So - it's a toss up.

 After that we walked from El Centro to Commercial Mexicana. It's a bit of a jaunt so it was good that we had eaten for the stamina. Also for the stamina of taking on a packed grocery store. The combo of increased tourists and a few days before Christmas meant that it was a zoo.

We were happy to be home! First thing Cassia did was take her water gun over to play with her new friends. I haven't mentioned that a few days ago, Therese and her twins, Keller and Kaden aged 6, arrived from Michigan. Cassia is just thrilled as you can imagine.

Tonight, the RV Park here at El Manglar is full. In addition to Therese and her sons, a California couple arrived yesterday and today, Lulu and George's friends from Morelia arrived and are parked beside us.

Tomorrow night we are joining all the RVers here for a potluck Christmas Eve dinner. The restaurant is closed on Wednesday's so we'll be eating there. Pictures coming soon.



  1. Love that the Dr has his own street sign! Good that Derek sought some help. Looks like Cassia is going to have a great Christmas with all her new friends.

    1. I was impressed with the sign as well Contessa. Cassia is having a super duper time!

  2. Thanks for the great walkabout & pics of the local, colourful area. I am always amazed at the vibrant colours. It is Christmas eve here - out daughter & SIL along with our grandson from Canberra have arrived so we are all set for xmas day 2-morrow -best wishes for a super celebration to you guys....enjoy cheers lesalp.blogspot.com.au

    1. Hi Leslie! Guess you get Christmas sooner than the rest of us over here across the ocean. Glad you are with your family! Merry Christmas!

  3. You are keeping busy and enjoying the weather.
    We understand about being beached out, we have had our fill over the years.
    Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    1. Hey George! Merry Christmas and all the best to you and Suzie this holiday season!

  4. A nice day with awesome pictures.
    Merry Christmas to you three, and a ahappy new year!

    1. Thanks Peter! Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours!

  5. Sounds like a great day. Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Love the spelling on the Christmas menu sign!

  7. Wow, so colorful - wonderful photos once again! Looks like a very happy place! Enjoy!
    Connie & Barry in PA

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