Saturday, January 18, 2014


As promised, here are the pictures of our desert wandering experience this past week. 

If you recall, Tuesday late afternoon we ran into a fellow that told us about a parking spot a few miles out of Study Butte/Terlingua. The road out is good but based on the low levels of traffic it seems to be a  road that very few know about. Good for us. 

Sit back because we have a lot of photos. I debated doing a few posts - but how many rock pics do you really want to see. In the end, I decided to do this one post. Here are our favourites and the ones that show best our week and the area we are in. 

It's been good week.

Sunrise over Rufus.

Heading out for our first hike Wednesday morning. There is a well defined trail to follow.

I find it hard to stop taking pictures of the red rock. Interesting at every turn.

In one area there are quite a few pictographs. Some seemingly very old and some a little more recent - 1902.

In one area a very large area under the rocks - probably shelter or a home at some point.

Writing on the rock within the 'cave'.

Wonder what it means.

All the rocks gave Cassia a good chance to practice her climbing.

This part was very steep along a ridge.

Along the way we came across this watering hole. Very interesting that someone actually built what looks like a bath tub. A nice little spring in such a barren landscape. 

Today it was a bathtub for Rufus who quite enjoyed having water to drink and soak in.

A view of the rock by our snack stop.

A walk through the arroyo. This is where the water runs during heavy rain storms in the desert. Would be amazing to watch - from a safe distance of course.

Lots of good exercise for Cassia out here.

Back across the spring area - very tricky. Just don't look down!

One of the most interesting things about the rocks is that they all have pieces out of them and holes - making climbing them lots of fun. Cassia went from one to another fitting herself in all the nooks and crannies. Many of them became a 'Thinga-ma-jigger'. 

A large pictograph.

You can see why they chose that rock - a nice smooth canvas.

A family photo!

The golden hills on the way back to our campsite.

The view from our spot. Hard to tell if that is a natural cave or man made. If man made just how did they get down to it?

Parking spot = priceless.

A sunset walk.

Obviously, sunset is the best time to take pictures of the rocks - the red really comes out doesn't it?

Day #2 hike. A fairly rare photo of Cassia and I. I had to get her laughing in order to get a picture. 

After our walk we headed into Study Butte. Here's a picture of our lunch - which was great! and where we sit to spend time on the internet and getting this post up.

We did come down with groceries from Alpine but since we have decided to stay a while we needed to stock up. There is only one grocery store here. The prices are in accordance with that - although some things are the same as you would pay up north. If you lived here for the winter you would need to factor in grocery costs though since overall they are high. However, I don't think you would be ahead by driving to Alpine which is 160 miles round trip. 

The store is well stocked with natural and organic products - and wine.

Next stop - a walk around the RV behind the Hotel and restaurant where we had lunch. Could we live here for a month or two? Prices are a bit steep for the Wood Clan, you can check out the rates here. This would be a good spot because it comes with a shelter. Interestingly, most of the RVers have Texas license plates. 

Versus - our free site. When we returned from town we chose another site along the road in.

An evening/sunset hike of our new spot.

The rocks are so warm at this time of day.

Breakfast the next morning. Being set up for a few days at a time allows us to get good use out of our Weber.

Outdoor liven'. The mornings are cold - nice when the sun finally gets going by early afternoon.

Yesterday after breakfast Derek decided to go on a hike up to the top of the rocks. 

He took the camera with him. It was quite an endeavour and he did well - he was gone for a couple of hours. Cassia and I watched his progress from below. Too bad we only have one camera it would have been nice to show little Derek way up on the rocks.

Here are his shots….

As he was making his way down, Cassia went to join him with some much needed water.

The hiking/rock climbing duo.

While mom waits below.

And now for last nights photos.

A photo to show where Derek had been early in the day. Way - way - way up.

Our knuckle head.

Here's the story on this one. See Cassia? As Derek and I were headed up one hill we didn't realize that Cassia had gone her own way up another. 

Derek and I watching - somewhat apprehensive. Do we go rescue her or watch her make her way? Cassia Little Climber was adamant about "I can do it myself.". In the end we just watched - and held our breaths. Before long she was back right beside us. Sigh. 

I've been having a sore right knee for a couple of months now. I can walk for miles on the flats but the hills are killing me. Plus I fall behind taking the photos.

Cassia and I saw our first one of these the morning before. We were both grossed out. I thought it was a  dead centipede. Derek found another and realized that it is in fact an abandoned shell. Strange.

The desert is full of colour even at this time of year - you just have to look real close. One of my favourite pics so far.

Since Cassia missed out on Derek's big hike, he took her for a mini one.

Watching another day come to a close here in the desert.

Nice - right?!


We have definitely found our happy place. 

The air is clean and clear. The sky has been blue - the days warm but cold nights. No garbage, no traffic, no atvs. 

Just what the Wood Clan needed.

Today, Saturday, we are back in town for the internet and too pick up a few more groceries. We are thinking about a Tuesday departure. But, we'll see.


PS - Sorry to not be getting back to comments much or commenting on my fellow bloggers sites. I have been reading your posts - just not enough time to leave a comment. A couple of hours here at the restaurant to get the posts up is already pushing it!

If you are looking for more of Rantin' n Raven we are not hard to find out there in the social media world. We are on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest. See you there!


  1. I gotta say, that solo camping is right up my alley!! Beautiful area, great pics!! Will have to put that area on my boondocking list.....not this year tho....need to stay fairly close for my parents. One day soon.......

    Safe Travels...........

    1. We hear ya BlackSheep! Not to worry - this place is not going anywhere and not changin' - always next year or so......

  2. I think you found the next best thing to heaven! Beautiful pictures.

    1. Thanks! Definitely a respite - and heaven on earth for the Wood Clan. We enjoyed the solitude.

  3. Beautiful spot and the solitude makes it even better. I once took a small slab of red rock home and put it beside the front door. After a year of BC weather it had lost it's colour, and was just another rock.

    Cassia is growing up and finding her wings. Good for her, not so much for you. ;(

    1. Hopefully we can keep using the rocks for cooking even once home. Cassia is growing up - she will find her way in the world that is for sure.

  4. Teresa, WOW what beautiful pics. What type camera are you guys using? Mother nature sure makes a great does a beautiful little girl. Glad to b able to follow along. Jana

    1. Hi Jana - thanks for visiting and commenting - and following along. We have a Sony Cybershot 16.2. It is a great camera - we bought it more than a year ago. I gave myself 2 hours to research the best point and shoot for around $150. We are super happy with this one - it takes great movies as well.

  5. Wonderful post, great pix, Cassia is a very smart young lady.

  6. More awesome photos and and another great place to explore.
    Glad you are enjoying the desert.

    1. Thanks George - we are so glad we decided to come this way this year!

  7. Fantastic place and great pics! We sold our land there last month, we just never used it. :( Nice place in the winter. Have fun.

    1. Yup - we remembered that. Too bad we would have been happy to rent it but only for a little while. We thought to go look at the properties for rent but not sure if we could stay there the entire winter. Something to think about though.

  8. Beautiful pictures - I'm sold!

    Your cliff side cave reminded me of the Chachapoya - they buried their dead in insanely hard to reach cliff-side tombs that you'd also wonder how on earth they ever got there never mind built there!

    A short clip:

    1. Thanks Mark. We are too because the place is much better than my photos! Didn't think about that - could be…..thanks for the info.

  9. Amazing timing with that guy coming in and Derek mentioning going off to find a spot - and it was just before dark - just enough time to find a place. Spooky. Happy happy. We'll go back there for sure.


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