Sunday, January 12, 2014


As usual, a slow morning for the Wood Clan. It was hard to leave such a good place and fun time.

Following breakfast, while Derek was talking with Neally's dad, the kids and I headed back to the Visitor's Center. While they ran around I worked on the Langtry post. Since the Center's wifi did not reach our parking spot, we had to do all of our internet work at the Center. Which wasn't that convenient but at least I was able to charge the laptop.

Sorry that I haven't been able to reply to comments from the last few posts - we've had a string of slow wifi connections - I've only had time and battery power to get a post up and look around a bit. 

By noonish we were ready to roll. 

By the way - this little house beside the Community Center in Langtry is for rent - $250 per month. Cute as a button. Tempting but with a town of 17 and groceries 60 miles away, I think the novelty would wear off pretty quick.

Just up the 90 heading west. Derek pulled over to check something in the trailer - that gave me a chance to take a road picture from outside of the van rather than always through the windshield.

Love all the stone banks along this stretch.

And a stretch it is. Really enjoying this strip of road right now.

Stopped in Sanderson for gas - about 60 miles west from Langtry. Something to remember while on this road - no gas stations from Del Rio to Sanderson.

Fifty four miles west of Sanderson and we arrived in Marathon. I took a picture of the entry into town with the Marathon sign but it didn't turn out. The main strip is along the highway. We found a parking spot in front of the Gage Hotel. 

Too bad the soda fountain was closed!

The Famous Burro - will be open in Febuary.

We stopped in at the French Grocer. Derek and I bought a few groceries here back in 2008 on our way down to Big Bend National Park.

A little of this and that for the traveler.

The Burnt Biscuit Bakery. I'd go anywhere for a biscuit even if they are burnt! Sadly, the owners of the bakery have retired. We hear that a sandwich shop will be opening soon in it's place. Makes me want to move to Marathon and open a bakery!

With our tour complete, look what should greet us upon our return to the van. What is up with the van this winter!?

Sure wish it was a hole that could be fixed but it sure looks like the cause is a slash. 

If you can believe it - we had a collection of sockets but not the right size. Derek walked up the street and spoke to the people next door to the bakery. They flagged down their friends. 

You just have to love that about small towns. At least this happened in a town with nice people!

We stopped three times between Langtry and here so hard to tell how we got the slash.

Shan and Dewey - local owners of Big Bend RV Supply stopped and let us borrow their 1 1/8 socket. Thank goodness. It was still a tough job for Derek but he got it done.

Putting the spare on.

It was low - we've never used it but Derek did fill it before we left. It needed a bit more air - good that we have our own 12V tire inflator. We learned to have one of those on board early on.

In the mean time - Cassia and I checked the internet courtesy of the Gage Hotel, played hide and go seek and looked at this great sunset.

Our first amazing sunset of the winter.

Since stopping in Marathon for the night wasn't exactly part of the plan - we are in need of groceries - we decided to head over to the hotel for dinner. Plus, the RV guys told us that they had Big Bend Brewing Co. beer on tap. Since we know that we can't get any beer from the brewery itself - as they are closed for renos - we thought we'd take the opportunity to sample it here. 
We went to the bar side - the White Buffalo.

The bar's namesake.

The bartender was nice enough to bring us a sample of each of the Big Bend Brewing Co.'s beers on tap - from left to right - La Frontera IPA, Tesas Lager, Terlingua Gold Ale and the No.22 Porter.

We quite enjoyed them all, although the IPA was a bit hoppy for our taste. Once again we went for the Porter. Since the seating area is somewhat outdoors it was nice to be sitting between a fire place and a patio heater. Toasty warm. 

Our dinners were amazing. Derek had the Buffalo Burger and me the Venison Sliders - although we shared both. One of the best burgers we have had in a long time. Turns out the Chef and Sous Chef are from Colorado. 

The Gage Hotel was a nice surprise. Gee, we sure wish that this was Derek's birthday meal. Two dinners out in a few days - yikes - a bit lux for us. Nice that we didn't miss this fine meal and beer though. It will be one of our favourite memories of this winter I am sure.

Tomorrow we are off to Alpine. First stop? The tire store. Looks like we'll need to buy a new one. Hopefully we can keep the cost down a little by using our rim. 

Well, another disaster adverted. Good thing we weren't out in the middle of a highway when we got the flat. At least when all these van troubles have happened we have been in the best spot possible.

We made it just over 100 miles today - a much better pace.


If you are looking for more of Rantin' n Raven we are not hard to find out there in the social media world. We are on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest. See you there!


  1. Maybe the flat was an ya hear Mexico calling??? lolol

    Safe Travels...........

    1. Nope - not anymore! And if we do we'll hop on over into Palomas.

  2. Nothing like celebrating Derek's birthday twice, the meal looks wonderful. And all because of a flat tire. Travel safely and enjoy the warmer weather.

  3. Yup - Wanda and Jerry - they are one town over! Maybe we'll be able to meet up with them.

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