Tuesday, February 17, 2015


While planning our route north from Mexico, Derek and I discussed several routes and several key places to stop.

Originally we were going to head north though New Mexico - but with it being still quite early in the year, we altered the course to stay lower longer and head to Arizona. 

Two places were on our list from the start - Study Butte/Terlingua in Texas and ….

Bisbee in south eastern Arizona. Formerly a mining town it's now a funky, cool, hippy, artistic and edgy kind of place. The main part of town is at the bottom with the old miners houses (most restored) up on the side of the surrounding hills. Therefore, many stairs or steep windy roads need to be traversed to get around.

In the end we spent three nights here when the plan was for only two. Come Tuesday morning we just couldn't pull ourselves away. Plus, we had to wait until 11:00am anyway for Thuy's the Vietnamese restaurant to open. May as well spend another day!

Another long roll of photos - only a few of the bunch I took over the last three days.

When we arrived our first stop was Beast Brewing. It is in the new part of Bisbee on highway 92 so went there first to check there hours. Since they were only open until 6:00pm we decided to stay for a flight.

A nice selection - of course the Stout and Porter were the best on the list for us.

Good beer but we were a bit disappointed with their location - in the corner of a strip mall - and the atmosphere.

Then back down the hill to Old Bisbee.

We found the Queen Mine RV Park easily enough. At first it didn't look so hot and it looked full. But we figured it was our best option and went to take a look. There was no way we were going to get away with stealth camping in Bisbee.
It turned out to be much larger than it looks from below and still had three spots available. The $30 per night is a splurge for us but hard to beat it close proximity to town.

Once set up we headed in. First stop - the Old Bisbee Brewing Company. We were planning on coming back later in the evening but came to see what it was about.

Neat that the brewery is in another building.

Then a walk around town.

I know - it looks a little suspect. But we were in luck!

These crocs were there for Cas as were five warm shirts/pullovers in really good condition. Nice that the RV Park has a laundry so that I could clean them right away.

As you'll see - lots of artists in Bisbee.

Fun for Cassia in the little train in front of the Mining Museum. 

Well, at least we aren't the - errrr - most interesting RV in town.

After a few hours looking around in the shops we went back to the RV Park to put on a few more layers and let Rufus out. Then back to the brewery.

Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the beer. We were busy enjoying our time talking to a couple - Leroy and Patricia, from nearby Sierra Vista. Nice to meet you two! We hope you found our blog!

We did manage a second trip to the Brewery tonight however, so I was able to take a picture of our flight.

We love breweries with all you can eat free popcorn and games for kids!

Just behind the brewery is the hotel - The Bisbee Inn - where Derek and I stayed in March 2006.

Monday morning we headed back into Old Bisbee for the day. From the RV Park we pass by the VC and Mine Tours. We decided against the mine tour this trip because Cassia probably wouldn't get much out of it based on our Carlsbad Cavern visit + Derek and I went down the last time.

I nice day to be browsing around in the shops and there are many to choose from. A large number of galleries and antique shops.

We stopped in to see Seth of Old Bisbee Roasters for a free shot of expresso and walked away with some mighty fine coffee beans.

We didn't just stick to the downtown area - we enjoyed many walks via the stairs (ouch) to see the residential area and back alleys.

The 'B' for Bisbee up on the hill there - as many USA towns have.

The Queen Mine RV Park. Worth the price except for the dodgy wifi.

The view of the pit from the RV Park. You can see the road that you enter into Bisbee on.

The view of Bisbee from the RV Park.

Evening in Bisbee.

Today we made good use of our final day here with a really good walk around town.

I'm glad we came across this mosaic wall - I love this stuff.

Here's a close up …..

and another……

and another - I couldn't leave this one out - right?!

From the same house of course - interesting people must live here!

The 'B' again - this time framed.

At the top of about 100 stairs! Cassia was actually doing ok but the face I caught on her pretty much explained how we all felt about all those stairs.

No lack of originality in this town.

An old washer as a garden water fountain.

After our 150 stair climb - we continued to the end of a road that lead to a rock outcropping. The same one that we stood in front of in the photo above of Cassia and Derek in front of the concrete peace sign. From there I was able to get a good photo of the area there.

The rock outcropping.

Our favourite building/house in the whole town. We could live here! It's right downtown but on a side street so quiet. I bet it's amazing inside. Dare to dream…..

After our morning walk around we returned to the RV Park for the afternoon - we had quite a night planned. 

Later - our first stop - Thuy's for dinner. It comes with great reviews plus we haven't had Vietnamese food in forever.

Everything is made to order and with two staff - Thuy who does the cooking and her assistant - doing - well, the rest.

Derek went with the Pho Beef soup and fried rolls.

Cassia getting some practicing in.

And I had the fried rolls and noodles. 

Amazing. I mean REALLY amazing. The best we have had so far. Now THOSE are fried spring rolls!

After dinner we went to the Old Bisbee Brewery for a flight - pictures above…

And then we strolled down to the Grand Hotel on Main Street to listen to Becky Reyes. Bruce, our friend here at the RV Park told us about it - live music from 6 - 9.

We had a great time and even got some Wood Clan dancing in.

So, it's been a fun three days.

Another place we are sad to leave. My how time flies…..

We've had a great time here and have met some wonderful people from the business owners to other tourists that we met on the streets or in shops.

We also managed to pick up a few neat mementos as well. 

Tomorrow we are for sure hitting the road. It's time to move further north.

From here we'll be overnighting at a Lowe's, a Wildlife Refuge Campground and at an RV park at a Casino before we hit our friends place in Nampa this weekend. We'll be driving through Arizona, Nevada and Idaho - adding layers of clothing as we go. But hey - it's not snowing so all is good.

See you up the road.



  1. 17c today in white Rock BC. Come on over to the lower mainland.

    1. Amazing weather! Cas and I will be over on the Island the third week of March - we hope the great weather continues!

  2. I love Bisbee. A very friendly little town with lots to see.

  3. We really loved Bisbee too, such a fun quirky town.

  4. What a great little town - I was so fascinated I google it to learn more - the chamber of commerce people seem very passionate. ..they are having a beer festival in October..LOL pity you will be elsewhere. Thanks for your continued interesting pics....cheers

    1. It's pretty neat Leslie! Sad about the beer festival - our timing on those are always bad! No worries - we seem to have no problem finding it!

  5. nice tour of the town of Bisbee!!
    thanks for sharing all the photos!

  6. LOVE Bisbee ! We did ranch sitting for 4 years near Bisbee. I have so many favorite shops & memories.
    There is a path up to the B..... it's pretty interesting to see all the things people have erected up there. We have burlap coffee bean bags the roaster fella gave us. My African market baskets came from Bisbee, so many neat things to see there.
    Thanks for sharing all those pictures..... I enjoyed everyone !

    1. Hi Kelly! Ha - yup we talked about you and Al as we drove by the turn off to Elfrida! I remember reading your posts of your trips into Bisbee. Bet you'll miss it! Ahhh - we missed the walk up to the B! Darn. But when I told Derek he grunted - his knees are still recovering from the stairs!

  7. Even if we never get there we'll feel like we have been. Love the buildings. Super shot of Derek and Cassia from behind on the street.

    1. Almost all my photos of Derek and Cas seem to be from behind. I'm always stopping to look at something or take photos! The variety of buildings is amazing!

  8. Glad your comment came through Cj! Strange that they haven't been coming through. Hopefully you guys will come west one of these winters and get to visit there again.

  9. Your Bisbee photos brought back lots of great memories reminding me of the times Kelly & spent there years ago while ranch sitting nearby. Bisbee will always be one of my favorite places. That photo of Cas & the chopsticks is a keeper. Good stuff.............

    1. Hi Al! I bet it did! I recall reading your posts but it's been a while - I'll have to go back and take a look at them again when I have unlimited wifi. Nothing like watching a 5 year old try to get food in her mouth with chopsticks - right?!

  10. Fabulous photos of Bisbee - we sure enjoy going thru them - brings back so many memories - thank you so much for sharing! That Cassia is quite the rock climber!!!
    B&C in PA

    1. Thanks Connie! It was nice for us too to be there again after 8 years - a chance for Derek and I to reminisce. Cassia is a very outdoor kinda gal. She's a little mountain goat to be sure.

  11. Love that town, somehow you always see something new. Derek is looking to be quite the fashion model.

  12. We were last in Bisbee in the late 90's about this time of year. We enjoyed a fresh snow as we walked around town on a Sunday as if we were the only people left on earth. At that time Bisbee could have gone in a number of directions - it looks like it went a good way - thanks for sharing your trip and all the great photos.


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