Thursday, November 14, 2013


Sunday morning we were back on the road....

A trip into Danville you wonder - nope - we decided to forgo looking around the downtown. We were getting downtowned out. I'm sure we missed out. 

In addition to snooping around downtown Danville - we really had come for their craft brewery - Beer Engine. But today was Sunday and they were not open until four. We just weren't up to hanging around. Derek had a cold and was getting a bit antsy to get going.

So, we headed south on the 150. 

Ok, but did you stop in Berea? - some of you are wondering....nope - we didn't go there either. Yikes! Although I thought about it, in the end I didn't know that we were missing something really big. Guess we were since two of you suggested it. Dare I say next time. 

At Mt. Vernon we got on the mean old Interstate 75, continuing south.

At London we WERE to head east on the 80 taking us to Pikeville, but we scratched that too! Boy - what the heck are we doing! Well, we are so travel weary (already) that we are taking some significant chunks out. By this time all we wanted to do was get to Hendersonville, NC, to our friends place, so we are on the fast track.

We did however get off the Interstate at exit 29 to move onto the 25E. 

We were in Corbin - time for gas. 


Kentucky Fried Chicken!

Hey - did you know that Corbin is home to Col. Sanders and KFC?!

I recalled reading about it over the summer in my Kentucky tourism book. At the time I thought to myself - well, we'll never make it over to that part of the State. So that just shows that you never know.

Here we are visiting the Harland Sanders Cafe & Museum.

Hmmmm - guess the Col. wasn't nearly as intimidating as Yogi - and I just asked her to sit beside him. 

The good ol' days. Cheaper - and better too!

The Col.'s office.

The first kitchen.

An interesting bit of history. Since we only had to detour about a total of 1 mile it was worth the trip. Did we get some chicken - well, no. We were about to but then realized that we don't eat it any other time why would we now. 

On we went.

The 25E through Southern Kentucky really is a nice drive. We stopped briefly at the Walmart in Middlesboro for a few items. Then it was on to the Cumberland Gap. What the heck is the Cumberland Gap? It was all over my maps but I hadn't a clue what that meant - I told Derek as much.

It didn't take long to find out.

We ended up at a pull out with this sign. Derek had actually stopped to check his trailer cable - we came down ANOTHER steep drop off coming out of Walmart! @#$*%@!!!

And then we saw this - obviously something important is going on so I may as well take a picture. Just up ahead is a sign for RVs to turn off their propane! WoW! This is getting serious.

We pulled up ahead into the Cumberland Gap Visitor Center - we considered going in but then decided not too. Derek just jumped out to turn off the propane. May as well follow the rules who knows what we are in for.

Serious - right?!

A tunnel?! All this for a tunnel?! Now, we are from BC - we know about tunnels, plus - we have been through our fair share right here in the USA. It must be a crazy long tunnel.

But it wasn't. Hmmmm ---- what's the deal? Ok - it was sort of long - nicely built too.

Turn off the propane worthy? I think not. At the other end, Derek once again pulled over to now turn it back on. This gave me a chance to take my new State picture. Well, you sure could understand why my pictures of these signs are so bad while we are moving but what is my excuse for this one. I'm thinking that the sign was fuzzy.

Helloooooo Tennessee!

A black barn with some personality. And what about all these emblems. Carol - you'll know this one too! Family crests right?! LOVE that.

We are so so so too late for the fall colours here - a few are hanging on but you can imagine how great it was a few weeks ago.

Not too far in and there is an overlook - actually called the Veterans or Bean Station Overlook.

A view of Cherokee Lake.

The whole family stretching their legs.

We ended up staying for quite a while. First we were speaking with a biker guy and then another biker guy. Then while I was in the van Derek made friends with a couple on motorcycles with their daughter who was seven. While the adults talked, Cassia and their girl played and played and played. 

Driving over Cherokee Lake.

We stopped for gas in Newport, just behind these bikers. The problem was that our pump was out of order. We patiently waited for the guys - and gal - to finish up - we didn't want to mess with them - right? Anyway, as I was getting refreshments for our littlest traveler, Derek started talking with them. In the end we all stood around for about 45 minutes talking about everything - it was great fun and one of those rare moments.

They were from Sevierville. Since I had JUST been reading that that was the hometown of Dolly Parton (I'm a fan), I asked (jokingly) if they knew her. They did! Well, they had met her once I think but they knew her parents and other family members better. 

Derek among the Tennessee Giants!

Boy the day went fast between all the driving and visiting - the setting sun as we travel between the Appalachian and Smokey Mountain Ranges.

Helloooo North Carolina! 

And that was that. We briefly stopped in at the North Carolina Welcome Center on I40. We were just in time - it was 4:55 pm - just enough time for me to grab some books and ask for directions to the Waynesville's Lowe's. We were not making it to Hendersonville tonight.

And just enough time for Cassia - running and skipping along the path - concrete path - to hit the skids. Ouch! 

A tough kid.

A good day (well, up until then anyway).



  1. I'm reading a book about the Lewis and Clark expedition. Really cool. Derek, you fit in pretty good with the bikers! Looks like you're having fun and I hope your remodel on the rv is working out well. Happy travels!

    1. I feel like no matter where we are in the north Lewis and Clark have been there - it mentions them in so many places.

      LOVE LOVE LOVE our interior - it's perfect - very cozy. Although the van is getting pretty lonely these days as we enjoy the comforts of a house - with lots and lots of heat.

  2. You guys don't waste any time do you!! Rolling rolling rolling along.....intereresting that you don't eat chicken.....hmmmmm........oh well, to each his own right?

    Safe Travels.................

    1. Well, not that we don't eat chicken per se - although with the price of it in Canada - not often. Just not up for fast food Chicken - it would need to be one of those hole in the wall places where EVERYBODY goes that does everything from scratch.

  3. It's a BARN QUILT. If you go to Ohio, and a few other states there are driving routes for barn quilts. Missouri has one even!
    Safe travels.

    1. Thanks for that Patti - I should have googled it. Very interesting - something you just don't see in the west.

  4. Awwwww - thanks CJ - she does look pretty darn cute there. She's not always that excited to pose - here she was very happy to. Four year olds - who can figure them!


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