Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Saturday morning was a very slowwwwww morning for us - after all, we wanted to squeeze all the time we could out of the luxury of an RV Park. We have no pride - check out was 11:00 am - we left at 11:00 am. 

Since we didn't have far to go - it all worked out well. We had a few things lined up for the day - Abraham Lincoln, The Kentucky Railway Museum and Bardstown.

More Kentucky countryside - and blue sky!

An easy ride north from Cave City.

Darn that antenna! Sure wish it was over on Derek's side.

The black barn with white doors area of Kentucky. Black fences too. I was going to ask all of you about this but decided to google it instead - two fold answer - they are painted with creosote and it is a way for the interior of the barn to become hotter for drying the tobacco. We like them - black's our colour.

They were all over this area but still hard to get a good picture.

Our first stop for the day. The Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP.

Now, being Canadians we are not as up on our politically history - however, history is history and we love it. Plus - by spending so much time in the USA, and stopping at lots of different historical sites, we have come to be quite well versed in all things USA. Plus - the Ab Lincoln era was mighty interesting wasn't it?

Ab's parents Thomas and Nancy.

The display upon entering the Visitor Center.

Following a look around the center we followed the pathway to the First Lincoln Memorial.

The symbolic cabin on the location where Lincoln was born. Sorry - not the greatest picture - didn't realize it was fuzzy until now - the only one I took.

This area was called the Sinking Spring Farm by the Lincolns. 

The spring still exits.

Back on the road heading north - beautiful countryside once again.

Whereas we all stopped and looked around the birthplace, we just stopped long enough at Lincoln's boyhood home for me to take a few pictures. The parking lot was a bit small and we had a train to catch.

The cabin is situated in a very beautiful valley - what an idyllic place to grow up.

Upon arriving into New Haven we had made good time from the RV Park - it was 1:18 when we pulled into the Kentucky Railway Museum. Hmmmmm - what is that train doing leaving ...... and look at the parking lot - it is full! (Sick stomach feeling setting in VERY fast here). Did we pass over the time zone asks Derek.... Time zone said I - what time zone! Yup - we had neglected to realize that a mere 15 miles or so back we had crossed from the central to the eastern time zone. So - we were 18 minutes late for our train. Darn! 

And just to add salt to that wound - Derek - distracted by all of this action pulled around into the parking lot. Don't you hate it when parking lots look circular but they aren't - we were trapped! Ahhhh - this just gets better by the minute. 

Thankfully there was a gate that could be unlocked which the nice people at the Museum had the key for and thankfully Derek could squeeze the van between the rock wall and the semi trailer. 

And yes, there was another train the next day - Sunday - but we decided not to come back for it. Cassia's little heart was broken for a bit - just a little bit of explanation and a whole lot of promises to find another train ride along the way - did the trick.

We continued on to Bardstown.

If you have been around here for awhile - or just a short time really - you'll know that we love to look around the historic districts of towns and cities. It's our thing. So - when I saw a very nice picture of the main street of dt Bardstown with the words "Most Beautiful Small Town in America" voted by Best of the Road - I knew we had to go.

We parked on a side street just down from the central square Visitor Center.

Beautiful houses - this is one of the oldest.

The place that was recommended to us by a fellow at Dinosaur World - The Talbott Tavern.

Since it was now - according to the new time - around 2:30 - we decided to go for a late lunch before looking around some more.

Yup - it's been there a long time!

Our Old Kentucky Hot Browns. To be honest - we were not impressed. Oh they tasted good alright - even great. The problem? The portion size - this was an entree....Derek and I both left hungry - a bit steep at $10.95 - reminded us more of portion/prices at home.

All the windows were very nicely decorated with a fall or Christmas theme - really gets you into the spirit.

I know, I know, I know - we ARE in Bourbon country. And yes - we really should be going on a bourbon distillery tour - right?! Well, we didn't. Mainly because neither of us drink the stuff and we would have considered it but it was now Saturday afternoon - too late to go. There is only one distillery that offers a free tour and it wasn't open Sunday. We are not going to pay for a tour - we don't understand that at all. We have been to a few tours - chocolate, Tabasco, mezcal, tequila - none of them charged. Considering that most people purchase a product following a tour - I can't see why it is necessary. 
So - no tour - no bourbon. 

Just a few pictures.

If you'd like, you can see the town in style - horse carriage ride anyone? 

We decided to just say hi to the horse.

Looking back towards the Visitor Center.

A very nice building - it really stands out, doesn't it?

Since I had expected us to be on the train until 3:30 pm and then in downtown Bardstown for the rest for the day - I had planned for us to overnight at the Lowe's. Now - it was 4:30 pm and we were done. With some daylight left we decided to head to Danville.

Still harvesting down here in the South.

We pulled into the Lowe's in Danville just before dark. Cassia and I went and snooped around the Cracker Barrel shop close by - just to have a look. 

Seem's to be a lot more Lowe's down here in the south than Home Depot - especially in the smaller cities. 

Back to the van for some soup and our day was done.



  1. Some beautiful country for sure............told you I was sending you blue skies!!

    Safe Travels.................

    1. Yup - you really came through with that BlackSheep - and again this weekend, please! Oh and can you take away the snow and warm things up too! Brrrrr........

  2. if you can visit Berea KY - I think you'd enjoy it. can't figure out the charge to visit a distillery - don't think we paid for any tours.


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