Monday, December 31, 2012


Today, we sailed to Isla de Janitzio.

It turned out to be a darn fine way to spend the last day of 2012!

Do you have some time on this - New Year's Eve? I have 64 photos to share with you - and trust me it was tough to weed them down to that few. This is ANOTHER get comfortable blog post!

The boat dock is not far from the RV Park - on our way we stopped at the office to ask the Owner, Arthuro for directions. He gave us the direct route so we were there in no time - about a 10 - 15 minute walk.

We easily found the pier - it wasn't hard to miss - look for  the boats - right?!

We were about to walk down to the boats until we looked back and realized that we probably should be buying tickets - $50 pesos each for Derek and I.

All sorts of things, in addition to people, need to be taken to the Isla.

A full load. Most of the passengers were Mexican tourists. I think I forgot to mention that Patzcuaro is obviously a prime destination for Mexicans to visit during the holiday season. We haven't seen other Gringos just what appears to be Mexicans from the cities. 

Have I mentioned that I'm not really a boat person. Thankfully the ride over was pretty smooth - not like the ride back which was VERY turbulent. 

We were treated with music for the ride.

A real treat for Cassia - she hasn't been on too many boat rides. Funny - she thought that her Oma was on the island since every spring and fall we take the ferry to Vancouver Island to visit with my mom.

Water hyacinth.

Getting close to the island. Because the boat was heading straight on we couldn't get a good photo on our approach.

Just before the Isla the boat stops to view - and take pictures of - the butterfly fisherman. They put on a bit of a show by getting in a circle and opening up their nets. Sadly we were on the other side of the boat and so we couldn't get a great shot.

Docking at the Island - the ride took about 20 minutes.

A LOT of stairs! And - VERY steep! 

But WHAT a VIEW. You can see a passenger boat with the butterfly fisherman getting ready for the next show.

The streets are filled with vendors selling a wide range of artisan crafts and clothing.

Finally at the top - there is a $10 peso charge to enter the statue area.

The 40 m statue of Jose Maria Morelos, a great hero of Mexico's independence.


Looking up into the statue. 

We are going to climb it - yup - all 40 m of it - take a meter or so!

Murals line the walls depicting the life of Morelos painted by Ramon Alba de la Canal and other great Mexican muralists. You are only allowed to take photos without a flash.

More STEEP stairs!

At the top of the body there is a teeny tiny circular stairway up into the arm. Way out of Derek and I's comfort zone.

But definitely worth the hike!

A bit challenging to look down.

This is the little space you have to squeeze yourself through to look out.

And now down again!

Trickier then it looks!

Once down Cassia had only one thing on her mind!

Well, she sure isn't shy about joining in the fun.

For lunch we decided to head to this little restaurant that we had passed on the way up.

What would you have? Good thing we now have our new little book translating Mexican foods - too bad I left it at the van.

BUT - we did recognize Sopa Tarasca  - the local specialty.

We each got a bowl figuring we should give it a try - very very good - but hard to explain.
Here is a link describing it.

Isla de Janitizio's Church.

Cheeky girl - that's what I get when I ask for a smile. Notice a different outfit? We had just come from buying Cassia three dresses and a shirt/pant outfit. 

Much better!

The interior took my breath away when I walked in - so much colour!

Not sure why it is so richly decorated - on the exterior they were just decorating it so maybe for New Year's Eve celebrations.

Stopping for some fresa helado.

Heading back down for the second time. If you can believe, we climbed the stairs twice. Once near the bottom we decided to go back up to find Cassia a new sweater.

During our walk up and down the streets - I found that three things really stood out. 

These fried fish.....

almost every vendor selling cups with drinks - seemed like an inside joke ....


Colourful nets.

Many of the kids had them - but really WHERE would be have put that in the van? An eye would be out for sure!

Sitting in the boat waiting to leave.

Hasta luego Isla de Janitzio!

Getting close to the pier a rocky 30 minutes later.

Not long after we returned to the van Cassia found a couple of friends. Derek and I were sitting inside and heard voices - wondering who Cassia was talking to we looked out to see this - a couple of boys that live close by - Estevan and Emilio.

During our travels through Mexico I have been tempted to purchase some clothing - as Derek has done with his shirts and hat. I could never quite find what I liked. Today I did! Two shirts and a skirt.

For Cassia we found 3 dresses, 1 beach shirt and a pant suit. 

And this sweater. 

A while later we had some more visitors to our camper - Tor, Kevin and Nate from Chicago.

And some people are worried about Cassia's socialization - she was in that soccer game like a dirty shirt!

ANOTHER great day here in Patzcuaro.

Cloudy skies - not great for photo taking but we were happy with the cooler temps for all that walking - it wasn't as cool as it looked - about 23ºC. 

What an overwhelming experience - definitely on the top 10 list of places travelled to date - for sure!

So - here we are - down to the last few hours of 2012. It's been a good year for the Wood Clan. 

All the best to you and yours as we head into 2013!


TODAY'S INTERESTING LINK: If that wasn't enough photos for you of Isla de Janitzio check out this neat site showing an arial of the Isla and a ton of pictures from around the hill.


  1. So glad you had a great day! Love the new dress on Cassia. I believe that the church was decorated up for 3 King's Day on January 3rd. When we were there last year in a couple of the small villages on the other side of the lake we saw much the same thing and that is what we were told by the locals.

    By the way those fisherman doing their thing with the huge nets are literally doing it just for show, for the money they collect from the people aboard the boats.

    Kevin and Ruth

    1. You are probably right about the Three King's Day - it did cross my mind.

      I figured it was all for show since they came down both sides of the boat collecting pesos!

  2. Is it a rainy season there? I was wondering because of the water color. Looks like the water in Lake Ponchartrain, being a bit muddy.

    The Mexicans use fantastic colours, I want to decor my home similarly. The table Derek liked in your previous blog was something I'd really love having in our home. They really do colour their world.

    May your 2013 be truly enriched in the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ!

    1. It's not the rainy season - we think it is because the water is shallow. I didn't see anything about it during my research.

      All the colours are great - one of the things that make Mexico, Mexico. Makes me want to go home and paint everything bright colours.

      Blessing to you and Nancy for 2013 as well, Brian.

  3. What a great day! We never went to the Isla when we were there. Big mistake that must be rectified! Love Cassia's sweater, it is a work of art!

    1. Oh no! You MUST go you guys! But be warned - it is quite the climb to the top!

  4. I'm still loving all the color you are experiencing! Gorgeous! As soon as I saw Cassia's dress, I knew it was from there and so adorable! Love the clothing you've found! My style! And Cassia's new clothes are too cute! Oh, and the soup looks/sounds really GOOD!

    1. I am very inspired by all the colour! We looked all day at dresses - every vendor had the same ones except for this fellow - we bought them all at the same place. We were thrilled.

      The soup tasted much better than it looked. I don't know that I could replicate it though - but I might try.

  5. What an amazing way to celebrate the last day of 2012 !!

    I think our favorite photo was of Cassia in her yellow dress, and also of her sweater. Sorry, but she just "steals" the show ... lol.

    Take care guys, TnT

    1. Cassia steal the show - really - hahahaha!

      She IS the show! What a doll! We searched and searched for a dress - and we found three that we LOVE.

  6. I know! Surrounded by all this colour you just feel like you should be wearing it too!

    It IS getting better isn't it! Who knows what is around the corner!

  7. I just found your guys blog couple weeks ago. Unfortunately I have been busy on treadmill of work to comment. Your blog is well done and for now I must be content living thru you guys. Retirement is close though. I loved the pictures inside the church. What a beautiful place to worship.
    If you get close to Colorado Springs again Paula and I would love to feed you and hear stories of the open road.
    Joe Wyatt

    1. Hi Joe!
      Thanks for the message. Mexico is a great place to visit and the Isla was one of our best memories!

      Ya - I hear ya. We are about to jump back on that treadmill - sort of - no 9 to 5 for us but we are road weary and plan to end our winters south with this trip.

      Colorado Springs - well just maybe - one day. We love Colorado and hope to return - how lucky for you to live close to some of our most favourite towns of our travels - Manitou Springs, Idaho Springs and Breckenridge.

      Feel free to reach out to us with questions etc. We are happy to pass on all that we have learned along the way!


    “Pareces media naranja, posada sobre sus gajos,
    seguiré la acuosa franja, para estar entre tus brazos.”

    La diestra en lo alto,
    a tu gloria exalto,
    el puño en el cielo,
    buscando un anhelo.

    Isla de Janitzio
    de la paz resquicio,
    cabello de elote,
    el lago tu escote.

    Lugar de unos cuantos,
    algunos muy santos,
    de sangre lacustre,
    territorio ilustre.

    De Pátzcuaro orgullo,
    Michoacán es tuyo,
    México y el mundo
    te siguen el rumbo.

    Estás presente en la mente
    del viajero, de la gente,
    Jarácuaro y Urandén,
    no sienten por ti desdén.

    ¡Porque engrandeces el sitio!,
    porque estás desde el principio
    al centro de la región
    y en turismo eres bastión.

    Desde arriba patos,
    que vuelan muy gratos,
    me dan bienvenida
    hasta mi partida.

    Te miro junto a Tecuena,
    donde quise a mi morena,
    bella Yunuen y Pacanda,
    a esa virgen una manda.

    Tu acuático lirio
    querer con delirio,
    como terso anzuelo
    para un desconsuelo.

    Mariposas redes,
    quedo a sus mercedes,
    mi enamoramiento
    hasta el firmamento.

    La barca se mece,
    el verte enternece,
    en el frente el faro
    y un lecho preclaro.

    Las boyas me guían,
    pues en mí confían,
    hacia vida aislada
    por agua rodeada.

    Cintilan las luces
    de tu alrededor,
    la corte de peces
    se forma en tu honor.

    Janitzio y montañas,
    canto a sus hazañas,
    bóveda celeste,
    firmamento agreste.

    De plata es la luna,
    con figura de uña,
    que, como ninguna,
    tu destino acuña.

    En comercio y pesca;
    gente pintoresca,
    amable, agradable,
    ¡que su casta hable!

    Purépecha idioma
    que el oído aroma,
    lengua cantarina
    que la voz afina.

    Son blancas tus casas,
    algunas grisáceas,
    rojizas sus tejas,
    focos candilejas.

    Todo hermano visitante
    se encariña, en un instante,
    de tus lindos rinconcitos,
    de tus oleajes bonitos.

    Cualquier alma apasionada
    busca en ti cordial posada,
    tierno amor a la medida
    que no tenga despedida.

    Muchas fiestas,
    baile, orquestas,
    la comida ni se diga,
    ¡Jesucristo te bendiga!

    En noviembre, día de muertos,
    brillan tumbas, frescos huertos,
    redimidos corazones
    con latidos de ilusiones.

    Te llevo en mi pensamiento,
    te lo juro que ya siento . . .
    la ilusión de ver a Dios
    antes de decir . . . ¡adiós!

    Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
    Isla de Janitzio, Michoacán, 02 de noviembre del 2010.
    Reg. INDAUTOR No. 03-2011-041513462700-01


    “Pareces media naranja, posada sobre sus gajos,
    seguiré la acuosa franja, para estar entre tus brazos.”

    La diestra en lo alto,
    a tu gloria exalto,
    el puño en el cielo,
    buscando un anhelo.

    Isla de Janitzio
    de la paz resquicio,
    cabello de elote,
    el lago tu escote.

    Lugar de unos cuantos,
    algunos muy santos,
    de sangre lacustre,
    territorio ilustre.

    De Pátzcuaro orgullo,
    Michoacán es tuyo,
    México y el mundo
    te siguen el rumbo.

    Estás presente en la mente
    del viajero, de la gente,
    Jarácuaro y Urandén,
    no sienten por ti desdén.

    ¡Porque engrandeces el sitio!,
    porque estás desde el principio
    al centro de la región
    y en turismo eres bastión.

    Desde arriba patos,
    que vuelan muy gratos,
    me dan bienvenida
    hasta mi partida.

    Te miro junto a Tecuena,
    donde quise a mi morena,
    bella Yunuen y Pacanda,
    a esa virgen una manda.

    Tu acuático lirio
    querer con delirio,
    como terso anzuelo
    para un desconsuelo.

    Mariposas redes,
    quedo a sus mercedes,
    mi enamoramiento
    hasta el firmamento.

    La barca se mece,
    el verte enternece,
    en el frente el faro
    y un lecho preclaro.

    Las boyas me guían,
    pues en mí confían,
    hacia vida aislada
    por agua rodeada.

    Cintilan las luces
    de tu alrededor,
    la corte de peces
    se forma en tu honor.

    Janitzio y montañas,
    canto a sus hazañas,
    bóveda celeste,
    firmamento agreste.

    De plata es la luna,
    con figura de uña,
    que, como ninguna,
    tu destino acuña.

    En comercio y pesca;
    gente pintoresca,
    amable, agradable,
    ¡que su casta hable!

    Purépecha idioma
    que el oído aroma,
    lengua cantarina
    que la voz afina.

    Son blancas tus casas,
    algunas grisáceas,
    rojizas sus tejas,
    focos candilejas.

    Todo hermano visitante
    se encariña, en un instante,
    de tus lindos rinconcitos,
    de tus oleajes bonitos.

    Cualquier alma apasionada
    busca en ti cordial posada,
    tierno amor a la medida
    que no tenga despedida.

    Muchas fiestas,
    baile, orquestas,
    la comida ni se diga,
    ¡Jesucristo te bendiga!

    En noviembre, día de muertos,
    brillan tumbas, frescos huertos,
    redimidos corazones
    con latidos de ilusiones.

    Te llevo en mi pensamiento,
    te lo juro que ya siento . . .
    la ilusión de ver a Dios
    antes de decir . . . ¡adiós!

    Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
    Isla de Janitzio, Michoacán, 02 de noviembre del 2010.
    Reg. INDAUTOR No. 03-2011-041513462700-01


    “Por Dios que, . . . vales la pena.”

    Eres muy dulce, Tecuena,
    como toda la “miel buena”,
    bendita seas, Tecuena,
    donde quise a mi morena.

    Pareces un sombrerito,
    que flotando está en el lago,
    figura de panquecito,
    de las olas empalago.

    Remando voy, a tu encuentro,
    quiero evitar la congoja,
    en las aguas, ya me adentro,
    visitarte se me antoja.

    Las ondas, en ti convergen,
    burbujeantes, se oxigenan,
    espumas, que se sumergen,
    poco a poco se serenan.

    Todos los peces te adoran,
    pescado blanco imperial,
    en lo profundo, bien moran,
    trucha, charal celestial.

    Andan bogando las naves,
    altas montañas cercanas,
    al trinar, concierto de aves,
    el viento hace caravanas.

    Sopla, silbando, resopla,
    cuatro puntos cardinales,
    de norte a sur, como copla,
    lo envidian algunos mares.

    De los volcanes provienes,
    a Pátzcuaro perteneces,
    p’urhépechas son tus genes
    isleños, . . . te los mereces.

    Una cruz, allá, en la cima,
    al frente queda Janitzio,
    Yunuén, Pacanda, te estiman,
    el aprecio es beneficio.

    Que las nubes, se desgajen,
    aguaceros, bañen rostros,
    que las gotas, siempre bajen,
    Tecuenita es de nosotros.

    Quisiera pisar el muelle,
    tu farito me enternece,
    que este amor por ti se selle,
    guía mi lancha, que se mece.

    Duraznos, chile perón,
    capulines, las guayabas,
    chayotes, verde limón,
    níspero, higueras, granadas.

    Aguacates, verde lima,
    chirimoyas, fiel carrizo,
    en Michoacán, huerta fina,
    porque Dios así lo quiso.

    Hoy, que tienes tirolesa,
    que emerja la economía,
    demuéstrale tu grandeza,
    al turismo, día con día.

    Autor: Lic. Gonzalo Ramos Aranda
    Isla Tecuena, Pátzcuaro, Michoacán de Ocampo, julio del 2014
    Dedicado al Profesor, Federico Morales López
    Reg. SEP Indautor No. (en trámite)


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