Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Well hello there, Derek here, filling in for Teresa..... 

We both came down with a bad case of food poisoning... the dreaded "Montezuma's Revenge".. where from or from what ??? I started feeling the ill effects two nights ago then went into major sickness mode through the night and day, Teresa soon followed suit yesterday afternoon and she was sick all night. Cassia thank God was spared any ill effects :-) Teresa and Cassia are snuggling up in the bunk watching Polar Express ... we have watched Polar Express this week, how many times... "Ooooh, we got it... Hot Chocolate," lost count, but we really do love this movie as does Al over at  Travel With The Bayfield Bunch

Beautifully done Pine Cone Christmas tree.

An aerial shot of Villa Corona.

We became disorientated, ended up taking a wrong turn but we were treated with a muerte march nice stroll down to the lake. It was all Teresa's fault, she is the navigator ;-) 

Then back alley ways.

And then this Mariachi band getting ready for a wedding at the hotel across from Chumulco.

Well... that's all folks. Teresa will be back tomorrow.

Cheers, Derek.


  1. Been there, done that. Major stomach illness for Kevin in February of 2008, and Ruth in February of 2009. We think it's a bit of an initiation process, and that your system eventually gets used to it. I still get minor episodes, but Ruth hasn't had any problems since. Hope you're feeling better.

    1. We were told to take a product called,"TREDA" by a fellow traveler here , Mike said the Mexicans also take it and you can get it at any farmacia. I was reading a bit about the product on a discussion forum. I wonder if it is better to build a resistance or stock up on TREDA ? What are your thoughts, are you familiar with this product ? Derek.

    2. Take the Treda if it works...that revenge is not for the faint of heart. Give me a pill please!

  2. So sorry, guys....but oh so thankful, Cassia did not pick up whatever it was. Sure would be helpful if you could figure out exactly what the culprit was - at least for future caution if nothing else. Am loving "traveling" along with you. We've only been to the tourist spots of Mexico and have always known there had to be more. Love seeing it through your eyes! Take care.

    1. Thanks Sharon - so so glad about Cassia. Still trying to figure out what triggered it but no more answers - maybe Cassia was a little more immune or just didn't eat enough of what we ate.

  3. Hopefully all well be good soon and then back to enjoying the great weather there.

  4. Cure for Montezuma's Revenge: Juice two limes, add a large pinch of salt. Mix, then down it like a shot. Within two hours you should start to feel better. If not, try again after 6 hours. If that doesn't work you may have more than Montezuma's Revenge.

    1. We have a feeling it was more then MR! But we'll keep that concoction in mind for next time...

  5. I feel for you, really I do. I've had 3 bouts of the revenge varying differently in intensity. I thought I was going to die, sweats included. Sorry on the graphics but I had frontal and rearward eruptions all at the same time which lasted for almost a week. I know you guys like to try the foods as most of us do; maybe someone knows of a magic pill to take to prevent this sometimes deadly bacteria.

    Drink the fluids, I know but do it anyway!

    1. Ya! Really bad - Derek and I wonder how you could live through a week of that! 24 hours was more than enough! We had the same eruptions - hard to decide on how best to use the toilet in that instance!

      Crazy thing is that we didn't get it from some back alley food vendor ....... at least then we could have expected it!

  6. I LOVE the tree - a great idea and a good use of the sweetgum balls too!

    Funny - we spent all summer at Skihist surrounded by some of the best pinecones you'd ever see - perfect. I kept thinking that it was ALMOST a shame that we weren't spending Christmas at home so I could do something with them. Good thing I came to my senses on that one!


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